Enabling Overachievement with Knowledge Scores on the Blockchain

Don’t just be an expert. Be a Knowledge Star!

Steve Englander
3 min readJan 11, 2018


People accumulate knowledge throughout their entire lives. Some students overachieve during their educational journey and go on to earn an advanced degree, maybe even earning a PhD at the end of their formal education.

These advanced degrees are usually quite expensive, and often require the overachiever to take on debt as an investment in their future. The monetization of this degree is expected through their salaried employment.

Where the educational journey ends, the employment journey begins. And the compensation component of their employment is the monetary reward for all that hard work.

At Knowledge.io, we’re working to make success in early education the financial catalyst to continue on to advanced degrees without having to worry that your salary in your early employment years will go to paying off debt — where you don’t really see the true rewards of all those years of hard work until you’re free from a system that is working against you for nearly a third of your life.

At the end of the day, why should anyone who is achieving the highest level of knowledge be disadvantaged and bogged down with financial burden when their contribution to their field will likely be of considerably more value to society? Discouraging overachievement with financial burden is counterproductive to the advancement of all humankind.

This is where the Knowledge Score blockchain comes into play.

Through a COPPA and GDPR Compliance partnership with PRIVO, Knowledge.io will enable schools, educators, and students to earn tokens as they travel along the early education journey, through their higher education, and into undergraduate and post-graduate advanced degrees.

Educators gamify their learning content by generating quiz apps which students use as part of their studying and testing experience, and everyone is rewarded:

  • Educators receive tokens for assisting in the compilation of the most comprehensive Q&A dataset for every subject, taught in every school, at every level, ultimately in every language on earth.
  • Students earn tokens as they score correct answers. And their scores become time series data on the Knowledge Score blockchain.
  • Knowledge Stars are proven experts and they will contribute to the validation and accuracy of the Q&A content.

Students who earn a substantial amount of KNW tokens throughout the earlier part of this journey are able to access these tokens to offset or potentially subsidize the costs associated with achieving more advanced degrees. When a student is no longer a minor, they will be able to access their accumulated KNW tokens and apply them towards college, university or graduate school tuition.

The Marketplace of academic solutions will allow students to apply these tokens as payment towards enrolling in classes and degree programs.

Enter the employer.

Companies spend an extraordinary amount of money and resources discovering and attracting highly skilled and specialized top talent. With the systems that exist, the highly skilled candidate is often bombarded by inappropriate messages and hiring requests from recruiters they’ve never met, messages which are not in line with their level of skill, or even totally off target.

Things do not need to continue this way. We have a mechanism for making identification, communication, and engagement appropriate for the skill levels of the entire world’s population. And the solution is the Knowledge Score blockchain and the Q&Ads platform to target the most appropriate people for a job.

Now is the time to shoot for the stars — Knowledge Stars!

To join the discussion, join us on our Telegram chat or visit Knowledge.io.



Steve Englander

Product Management + Blockchain + Consensus + Crypto Rewards + Incentives + Governance + Web3 + DAO + DeFi + Metaverse + DID + NFT + Code + Data + ML/AI