Making the rules of the game better with Knowledge

Steve Englander
Published in
2 min readJan 11, 2018

How do you control a system? You set the rules to consolidate power among a centralized and organized group with like-minded intentions.

How do you make a system that prevents this from being possible? Use the blockchain to its full potential.

The blockchain is like a multitool. It has many tools to use, at times you need only use one, but sometimes you’ll need to switch between several tools depending on the situation.

Historically, traditional VCs have advised their portfolio companies to focus on building one or two of those tools to be better than their competitor and to take market share. This works in established markets.

The blockchain is spawning disruption in established markets, and while it’s still early and the applications of blockchain to date have been relatively limited in scope, there is opportunity for significant disruption of established markets, using blockchain, by changing the rules of the game — changing them to a free market rewards based model where all participants win proportionally, where the rules of the game prevent centralization, where the rewards of the system do not go to a centralized controller, and where participants benefit from choosing to use a market design that rewards the users—by using the blockchain’s many capabilities in concert with one another.

What is the one thing that people possess that is truly only theirs? The ideas, thoughts, and knowledge inside a person’s own mind. It absolutely belongs to that person.

People use a variety of platforms today, and the companies who build these platforms benefit immensely from its participants sharing what’s on their mind, sharing what their interested in, even just simply knowing that they’re using the platform, at a certain time of day, regularly, from a certain location, several times per day, etc.

At, we’re rewriting the rules of the game. Participants benefit from sharing their knowledge, the community benefits from this shared knowledge, and rewards are based around contribution and merit. As you put knowledge into the ecosystem, you in turn get Knowledge out of the ecosystem.

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Steve Englander

Product Management + Blockchain + Consensus + Crypto Rewards + Incentives + Governance + Web3 + DAO + DeFi + Metaverse + DID + NFT + Code + Data + ML/AI