Meet the KnowledgeBot

Tuesday, September 4, 2018


After many tests, here at Knowledge we are proud to announce The Knowledge Bot is actively being piloted by over a dozen Telegram Groups & Channels! We have gathered commitments from a dozen large groups, mostly including ICOs who have integrated the Knowledge Bot with their channels and groups. As of today we are publicly running pilot tests on (12) live groups, including U Run It, ShareRing, AWorker, And many others, totalling over 310,000 Telegram users engaging, and playing the Knowledge Bot trivia quizzes daily. By the end of September, we are forecasting that over 500,000 Telegram users will be engaging with The Knowledge Bot daily.

How The Knowledge Bot Fits Into The Knowledge Ecosystem

Knowledge Score! And lots of it. First and foremost, the introduction of the Knowledge Bot into the Knowledge Ecosystem is a most welcome one. With just the first few public pilots, The Knowledge Bot is serving to over 300,000 Telegram users daily, logging the correct answers and all the wrong answers on the blockchain. This is the very first development of that data set we call The Knowledge Score, which soon will lead to a robust enough cache of data that digital advertising campaigns can be deployed to. As more channels & groups adopt and integrate the Knowledge Bot the amount of data being recorded onto the blockchain into Knowledge Scores will grow, exponentially.

Users who win KNW Token, as well as token from our participating pilot’s they will be able to redeem those tokens by registering and signing into their account. The universal Knowledge account will be the users gateway to redeemed all their tokens earned for engagements in the Knowledge ecosystem. We have already seen a steady spike in growth via Knowledge accounts since we have started the Knowledge Bot pilots, we expect registrations to continue to grow alongside adoption.

Launch of KnowledgeBot — Much More Than Telegram Trivia Quiz Software

The KnowledgeBot has several key functionalities all managed by one, simple web-based dashboard. We will be making an announcement this week regarding our first pilot participants.

KnowledgeBot functionality:

  • Reward trivia winners with your ERC-20, Waves-NG, or Stellar Tokens
  • Reward trivia winners and losers with KNW Tokens by default
  • Custom automated messages based upon a schedule, or user inquiries
  • Attach images to automated messages
  • Keep track of trivia users, response stats, and winnings
  • Custom bot schedule — Trivia Quiz
  • Custom trivia questions

KnowledgeBot — months of testing has led to refinement

Due to the initial success of our automated Telegram trivia quiz, we decided to improve upon the project and syndicate it’s usage across Telegram. This led to a few challenges, as well as some predictable bugs. Scalability and adaptability was a major concern, as bots with this level of capability are not really developed on Telegram due to the prohibitive Telegram API restrictions. After months of troubleshooting, the team has sufficiently powered our own API for The Knowledge Bot, making the process of creating a Telegram Bot, from sign up to full setup a simple and short process. Creating a Telegram Bot and integrating it into your Telegram Group or Channel has never been so simple.

KnowledgeBot by the Numbers

  • Total Audience Network: 310,000+
  • Tokens Rewarded: 22,000+
  • Questions Answered: 6,000+
  • Amount of Days Since Pilot Start: 94

Pilot Groups & Channels:

U Run It


Atlantis Blue Digital Tokens

ORCA Alliance


Presale Ventures




LaMoneda Community



