Q: Who benefits from Knowledge?

Steve Englander
Published in
4 min readJan 9, 2018

A: Everyone

As people respond to questions throughout the Knowledge.io ecosystem and on publisher apps and websites, their score of correct (and incorrect) answers gets written to the Knowledge Score blockchain.

Knowledge builds a graph database, with topics, and those point to other nodes on the graph with questions and answers. Knowledge Scores are associated with this, as well, to identify experts, etc. But the scores get written to the blockchain, like a DMP in ad tech, a Data Management Platform.

This allows advertisers to target people based on how much or how little they know about these topics, which has never really been done before in the history of marketing in a deterministic manner... all of it has been probabilistic.

In the current ad tech landscape, the ad platforms primarily use content consumption as the main targeting criteria, beyond the basics of audience demographics and geolocation (from which they derive demographic data for audiences). They also use contextual targeting by analyzing the words that appear on the page where ads are shown, and other types of behavioral targeting. Basically, the IP address reveals the geography pretty accurately, and then there are 3rd parties that sell demographic data about geographies. Using this method, advertisers are able to target audiences, but it's all pretty much based on statistics and predictive modeling which works great to lift the performance of campaigns. Those systems are most impressive.

We just one up it at Knowledge.io.

KnowledgeAds.com pre-registration is now open. Advertisers, Networks, and Publishers sign up today!

From the ad exchanges, ad tech platforms are able to pull months worth of log files which contain the IPs, the URLs for the property where the ad was served, and date/timestamp information. They derive demographics from the IPs, and they see on which publishers, and with what audience visit frequencies, audiences have visited from inspecting the URLs.

So they can see where the audiences are in what quantities throughout history. This informs their recommender systems on where to buy ad space. Advertisers know the demographics of their customers, so they just find those out there on the exchanges and do programmatic direct buys, at scale.

Ad tech platforms also use realtime bidding or RTB to target to people based on products they’ve consumed or added to their carts but abandoned (or not… sometimes you see these ads anyways even though you actually purchased that or a similar product).

We will plug into those systems in the future, so that external ad tech platforms can use our data anywhere, on any of the inventory sold on any of the exchanges, and to make our audiences addressable for retargeting purposes.

Most of the past 12 years in the evolution of ad tech has been focused on automation of that buying process, which is awesome, but there has been little innovation similar to what we're doing with targeting the amount of knowledge people possess.

Our method makes for better communication with a potential customer. Do you want to sell a basic telescope to an astronomer enthusiast? No. You want to sell that person the most high end telescope you've got.

Think of our ad tech platform as somewhat similar to Google Adwords. Advertisers pick topics which are related to the products they sell. They also load their entire product inventory into their site on the Sellers Marketplace. We identify experts with high scores on the topics related to those products, and the advertisers can offer tokens to those people for influencing sales.

Those Knowledge Stars (experts) write reviews, ratings, make videos (unboxing, installation, reviews, etc.) and they're posted alongside the product content on the product details page within the Marketplace.

Would you rather know that proven experts are recommending a product, over random people you don't know?

Experts benefit with increased tokens.

Token holders in general benefit because they'll know which are the best products.

The entire community benefits because manufacturers will have to compete more heavily and actually make good products, otherwise they won't sell.

Advertisers benefit because they can communicate more appropriately with people based on how much they know about their brand, their services, their products, solutions, etc.

Publishers benefit because they earn tokens for all of their users improving their Knowledge Scores.

In the education and employment domains, schools, teachers and students benefit from earning tokens.

Employers benefit from identifying and hiring proven experts, and it is also used for internal employee assessment and rewards in the form of tokens.

To learn more, please visit Knowledge.io, and join our channel on Telegram.



Steve Englander

Product Management + Blockchain + Consensus + Crypto Rewards + Incentives + Governance + Web3 + DAO + DeFi + Metaverse + DID + NFT + Code + Data + ML/AI