ChatGPT — The Future of Language Processing

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Do you ever think about using a chatbot or AI model for tasks such as writing fascinating blog posts, developing any coding languages, improving SQL queries, composing novels, or streamlining any task?

Imagine getting every piece of information you need by conducting multiple Google searches. With AI, all of this is possible within just a second or two.

What if I tell you that this article was partially generated by “ChatGPT” itself? Too mind-boggling?

Do you want to write a story, script, or caption for your new YouTube content or just a boring email to your boss or maybe even a love letter — This AI-trained chatbot knows to do everything with ease. The choice is yours, whether to play games or to develop them with ease.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT or “Conversational Generative Pre-trained Transformer is a large language model (LLM) or text-based model chatbot developed by OpenAI (Artificial Intelligence Company).

It is a transformer-based model that is trained on a “massive” amount of internet text data and is able to generate human-like text responses with minor errors

You can regenerate the result if you are not satisfied with it, and you will get another set of answers again and again. Here is a visualization of creating attention-seeking titles for your article

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Functioning Mechanism of ChatGPT?

  • It actually uses a transformer neural network architecture and is fine-tuned to generate human-like text responses
  • The model is trained on a large dataset of text and uses this knowledge to generate new text that is similar to the training data
  • The model uses a process called unsupervised learning, where it is not provided with specific correct answers, but instead learns patterns and relationships within the data on its own
  • It uses this learned information to predict the next word or character in a given sequence of text, allowing it to generate coherent and fluent sentences
  • It can be used for various natural language processing tasks such as language translation, text summarization, and question answering

Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) is an additional layer of training that uses human feedback to help ChatGPT learn the ability to follow directions and generate responses that are satisfactory to humans

More about how ChatGPT works here — “

Use Cases & Application:

Is ChatGPT Free?

As per OpenAI company, “ChatGPT is FREE” to use during OpenAI’s feedback period. OpenAI does offer a free tier for the API, but usage beyond that incurs costs

Well, until it’s free let us figure out the more possible ways we can enhance our productivity and save time with the help of ChatGPT

To use ChatGPT, you can either use the API provided by OpenAI or use the pre-trained model in your own application. To use the API, you will need to create an account on the OpenAI website and obtain an API key. Once you have the key, you can send a prompt to the API and receive a response from the model.

If you want to use the pre-trained model in your own application, you can find the model’s configuration files on the OpenAI GitHub page. You can then use these files to initialize the model and generate responses in your own code.

It is important to note that ChatGPT is a large model and it may require a lot of computational resources to run. Additionally, the model has been trained on a large dataset of internet text, so it may produce responses that are biased or offensive.

Developing Code:

Let’s say you are searching for Python code (any coding language) to get data from the AWS S3 bucket. You can ask ChatGPT like this,

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Now you can just copy and paste this generated code into your code editor, and just by making some parameter changes, you will get the data from the AWS S3 bucket to your desired location.

Here you go, You become a Python Developer in a minute 😀. Isn’t it simple?

Making HTTP Request:

Let’s try making an HTTP request using Javascript and Boom!

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Now you will definitely become a smart thinker or coder, I believe 😀


As per my understanding, ChatGPT is a pre-trained language model that can be fine-tuned or used as is for various natural language processing tasks. It can also be implemented in the code by setting up the model, loading pre-trained weights, and fine-tuning the model with specific data.

On the other hand, a BLACKBOX model is a system whose internal workings are not easily understood or interpretable. In terms of coding, this model would typically be a neural network or other machine learning model that has been trained on a large dataset, and its specific architecture or internal workings are not transparent. The code for using this model is similar to using any other machine learning model, but the model’s inner workings would be difficult to understand or interpret.

In summary, ChatGPT is a specific language model, while BLACKBOX is a tool only used to get code whose inner workings are not transparent.

Avoiding Plagiarism:

As you can see, I can reframe the sentence using this OpenAI chatbot to avoid “Plagiarism”. This will help you write your favorite article unique among all.

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Resolving Coding Bugs:

I was facing some issues in my Python code, and I got a solution without breaking my head and finding answers using multiple searches on the internet.

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The question is do you still need to search issues in “Stack Overflow”?

Maybe “Yes” or Maybe “No

Asking a Controversial Question?

Well, ChatGPT algorithms handle controversial questions in a very smart way. According to the New York Times, management there has reportedly declared ChatGPT a “code red” threat to the company’s biggest moneymaker

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Template For ChatGPT:

You can ask as many questions to the chatbot to enhance your skillset and increase your Productivity by using this template.

“Act as a [add skill] coach and give me 5 useful hacks to enhance my [add skill]

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Asking for Financial Advice:

If you want guidance over getting a TAX exception benefits in India.

Then I found an answer something like the one below. Who is this guy, my TAX adviser?

By utilizing past data and various parameters, you can use ChatGPT to determine the most promising stocks to invest in the Stock Market.

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Planning a Vacation Trip:

While you may have come up with various ways to utilize ChatGPT. Don’t you think planning a vacation can sometimes be a daunting task? Why not ask this chatbot to plan one for us instead?

Guys pack our bags and let ChatGPT plan a vacation for us in Bangalore, Karnataka.


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Writing an Email:

If you want to elevate your email writing skills, try this way write a professional email to your boss.

I want to write an email to our boss stating that the site commissioning has been completed for the “Dubai Municipality” site and we are ready to deploy our website into their portal.

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ChatGPT Limitations:

Every technology comes with certain limitations. The limitations of ChatGPT are as follows,

  • It is a statistical model and therefore can make errors or produce nonsensical responses when dealing with out-of-vocabulary words or phrases.
  • It is based on patterns it has seen in the data used to train it, so it may not be able to generalize well to new situations or concepts.
  • It may struggle to understand idiomatic or colloquial language.
  • It may not be able to generate responses that are entirely accurate or appropriate in certain sensitive or nuanced situations, such as providing medical or legal advice.
  • It can be biased based on the data it was trained on and can perpetuate stereotypes. It may not be able to understand or respond to certain types of data, such as images or audio. It can generate repetitive or generic responses.

It can only generate text based on the data it was trained on, and it doesn’t have the ability to understand or make decisions based on the context.


In conclusion, this article has discussed the importance of utilizing ChatGPT for natural language processing tasks.

With its advanced capabilities and vast knowledge base, ChatGPT can greatly improve the efficiency and accuracy of any project that involves language-based data.

Whether it’s for automated customer service, content creation, or language translation, ChatGPT is a powerful tool that can help organizations achieve their goals. As we continue to rely more heavily on technology in our daily lives, the use of advanced language models like ChatGPT will only become more vital.

Let’s harness the power of ChatGPT to take our communication and understanding of language to the next level.

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