Keywords to Semantics: The Next Generation of Search with Milvus Vector Databases

Teja sai
Knowledge Lens: A Rockwell Automation Company
4 min readMay 16, 2023
Photo by Negative Space:

In today’s world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), data is everything. As the amount of data generated increases exponentially, finding efficient ways to store, process, and analyze it has become critical.

That’s where Vector Databases come in — offering a powerful solution for storing and searching complex data points in high-dimensional spaces.

Vector Databases

Vector Databases are specifically designed to manage large volumes of high-dimensional vectors, which are mathematical objects that represent data points in a multi-dimensional space. They are essential for many applications in AI and ML, including image and video search, recommendation systems, and natural language processing.

The advantages of vector databases are many-fold. They offer fast and efficient search capabilities, support for large-scale data, and the ability to handle complex queries. Additionally, they provide flexibility in data modeling and can accommodate different data types and structures. With these advantages, it’s no surprise that vector databases are being widely adopted across industries.

As AI and ML continue to advance, the importance of vector databases will only grow. With the increasing popularity of deep learning models, which rely heavily on high-dimensional vectors, the need for efficient and accurate vector search becomes even more critical.

Among the many vector databases available today, Milvus has emerged as a leading open-source platform. It offers powerful features for similarity search and other AI applications, as well as scalability, flexibility, and ease of use.


Let’s dive deeper into the world of vector databases and explore what makes Milvus stand out. We’ll start with a brief introduction to vector databases, including their advantages and why they are essential for AI and ML. Then, we’ll walk through the steps of installing Milvus, creating a collection, inserting data, and running queries. Along the way, we’ll sprinkle in some humor to keep things interesting.

But first, let’s address the elephant in the room.

Despite the complexity and power of vector databases, they are often overlooked in favor of more popular databases like MySQL or MongoDB. To that, we say, “Don’t be a square — embrace the vector!

After all, who wants to settle for mediocre search capabilities when you can have lightning-fast, high-dimensional vector search? So, let’s get started!

Installing Milvus

Installing Milvus is a breeze. First, head over to the Milvus website and download the appropriate version for your system. Then, run the installer and follow the prompts. Voila — Milvus is now up and running!

Create a Collection

Next, we’ll create a collection in Milvus to store our vectors. Think of a collection as a container for your data — it’s where you’ll insert, search, and delete vectors. To create a collection, simply define the collection schema, including the field names, data types, and other parameters. Then, call the create_collection function in the Milvus SDK.

Insert Vectors

Now, it’s time to insert some vectors into our collection. This is where the real magic happens. With Milvus, you can insert billions of vectors with ease. Just define your vectors as a list of lists, with each sublist representing a single vector. Then, call the insert function in the SDK, and Milvus will take care of the rest.

Run Queries

Finally, we’ll run some queries to search for similar vectors in our collection. Milvus supports a variety of query types, including Euclidean distance, cosine similarity, and IP (inner product) similarity. Just define your query vector, set the query parameters, and call the search function in the SDK. Milvus will return a list of the top-k most similar vectors in your collection.

Usage of Milvus

Well, the sky’s the limit! Milvus can be used for a wide range of AI and ML applications, including image and video search, recommendation systems, and natural language processing.

One fascinating area of research is the use of Milvus for semantic search. With semantic search, Milvus can analyze the meaning behind text queries and return results that are semantically related, rather than just keyword-matched. This has exciting implications for applications such as chatbots and virtual assistants, which can benefit from more sophisticated and human-like responses.

In addition to its powerful features, Milvus has a growing community of developers and users who contribute to its development and provide support. The Milvus team also regularly releases updates and new features, ensuring that the platform stays at the forefront of vector database technology.

So, to sum up — vector databases are an essential component of modern AI and ML applications, and Milvus is one of the leading open-source platforms available today. With its powerful features, scalability, and ease of use, Milvus is well-positioned to drive the future of vector database technology.

And let’s not forget the humor — because, let’s face it, data management can be dry stuff. But with Milvus, even the most mundane tasks can be made more interesting.

Who knew creating a collection or inserting vectors could be so much fun? So, don’t be afraid to embrace the vector — with Milvus by your side, you’ll be a data management rockstar in no time.

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Teja sai
Knowledge Lens: A Rockwell Automation Company

Software engineer and personal finance enthusiast. Sharing thoughts on software dev, finance, and more. Thanks for reading!