Let Today be the Start of Something New

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When was the last time you did something new?

This question will send the majority of us into a whirlpool of thoughts, trying hard to remember that one instance. It is perfectly normal, even expected because we, as humans, dislike change. We are not only hesitant but will fight hard not to lose our sense of familiarity.

We will end up ordering from the same restaurant after scrolling for hours, use the same route for our walks, have the same flavor of ice cream just ‘to be safe’ or, watch Friends/The Office for the 100th time, I can go on & on and I bet so can you…

But you can’t disagree with me that everyone has an itch to try something new, every now & then — and more often than not, some of your best memories involve you changing something, like that amazing pizza you finally tried or, that new series you started or a new project at work.

All it takes is remembering Nike’s slogan sometimes — Just Do it.

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I will tell you a few observations from my life as to why change can be scary but good, and I hope reading it will give you a nudge towards change.

Everyone remembers their first job.

It is a definitive time in your life– a step up from childhood and a sneak preview of what adult life’s like. It’s a proud moment when you first start earning yourself — which comes with a BIG CHANGE, everything around you just flips.

But, first job experiences are also formative in nature. Not only do they teach you the value of hard work and money — they also shape your understanding of the world, improving your self-confidence and self-sufficiency. It goes without saying that a good first job will get you started on the path to future success.

You don’t stop learning once you have a degree.

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Life is a never-ending learning process. Whether you’re learning by gaining theoretical knowledge or practical experience, the process does not end with earning a degree.

For some reason, I always convinced myself that once I had a degree, all the learning and studying would end. But, reality hit me with my first job experience. In fact, once I landed my first job after university, the learning continued. I spent lots of time reading career books and doing research in order to advance and succeed in my career.

The truth is, in order to grow and develop (in both your career and life), you need to be open to continuously learn new things.

You might discover a new passion

By stepping outside your comfort zone and trying something new, you might find an activity that you love and are truly passionate about! You would never have experienced it, had you not pushed yourself.

For me, this passion is most definitely blogging. I went back and forth on whether I should blog, and even considered blogging anonymously because I was afraid of being judged.

I am so thankful that I pushed myself because blogging has without a doubt been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. If there’s an activity that you’ve been considering, but haven’t been brave enough to try, I really encourage you to go for it!

You might make a new friend

I’ve never been someone who is comfortable striking up a conversation with a stranger, but on more than one occasion I’ve forced myself to do it anyways and have made a new friend. It might have been someone who sat near me in class, or someone who works in the same building as me, but I had never talked to before.

Not only has stepping outside my comfort zone allowed me to make new friends, it has also allowed me to have deeper, more meaningful friendships.

At the end of the day, you’ll learn about yourself

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Trying new things and having new experiences will help you learn so much about yourself. You may acquire new skills and passions you never knew you had, fears you hadn’t yet realized, and so much more.

Trying new things used to give me so much anxiety, and it may have caused me to miss out on a good few experiences. But, I know now more than ever, how rewarding it can be to step out of your comfort zone.

Let today be the start of something new for you!

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