“We’re Moving!!!” or, Depending on How You Got Here, “We’ve Moved!!!”

CHI KT Platform
Published in
2 min readMar 22, 2017

Just over 7 months before this post, we first revealed our #KTfail — launching a Knowledge Translation blog without a plan.

Since that day, we’ve consistently posted an article every Wednesday, covering topics from Patient Engagement to Social Media Research Ethics to Alternative Facts. In the process, we’ve learned what topics generate the most interest and how most visitors arrive on our site. We’ve also learned what publication workflows work best for our team, and the challenges we face in delivering sought-after content. We’ve also learned that our site loads too slowly — and that doesn’t go over well in our day and age.

And through it all, we’ve come to realize there might be a better fit. Something that improves our workflow while helping us expand our reach and readership, while still remaining loyal to those of you who have been with us since the start. And, of, course, has faster load times!

Still in Beta, we’re slowly transitioning our site over to medium.com/KnowledgeNudge.

Please pardon our mess as we update the links within the articles (which still redirect to this site at the moment), as well as the author information for each article. But all of the articles you know and love are there. KnowledgeNudge.com will be going dark by the end of the month, so please be sure to bookmark our new home at medium.com/KnowledgeNudge.

Please also share our new home with everyone in your network!

Wishing you all the best.

– The Knowledge Nudge team



CHI KT Platform

Know-do gaps. Integrated KT. Patient & public engagement. KT research. Multimedia tools & dissemination. And the occasional puppy.