Ultranodes — The most special nodes of Knowchain.

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2 min readJul 26, 2018

Ultranodes system is the unique design from Knowchain for its ultimate purpose to make transactions information-rich. To maintain the 2 layers blockchain effectively, the network requires a different design from other blockchains. Ano Layer in Knowchain will be managed by Ultranodes system. An Ultranode is a Full Node who stakes a large amount of Know into lock-box.

Photo by Robert Zunikoff on Unsplash

An Ultranode can be a Full Node with at least 1 million Know staking in locked-box or an organization with Proof of Authority as their identity and reputation. Ultranodes make Ano Blocks and propagate the Ano chain to other Ultranodes to maintain the decentralization of the network. To minize the risk for the network, no Organinzation Ultranodes is allowed to decide consecutive-blocks of the Ano layers. It means that one Ultranode who proves itself by Proof of Authority only can approve non-consecutive blocks for the Ano Layer.

The process working with Ano Layer will be independent with the Know Layer which is managed by the Delegates system. Ultranodes will approve Ano Blocks that contains Ano units and propagate the Ano chain to other Ultranodes and Full Nodes across Knowchain. Users must pay fees to send an information into Ano Layer.

To motivate the work of Ultranodes, Knowchain rewards the Ultranodes system by the fees of the users for the information attaching processes. Ultranodes also get Block rewards from Know Layer which are shared by the Delegates for the participation in the transactions which are related to the Ano Layer.




Knowchain is a 2 layered blockchain that powers enriched decentralized Applications with Smart Contracts and Additional Information of users on-chain.