What is Knowchain’s Full Nodes?

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2 min readJul 24, 2018

Knowchain is the heart of the ecosystem. Unlike the traditional approach of other blockchains, Knowchain has 2 layers that store different information on-chain. The first layer named Know Layer (Value Settlement Layer) is only used for transfer the crypto unit of Knowchain: Know.. The first layer only store the information related to transactions of the network. The shared ledger of Know Layer are distributed over the network. It is composed by Know Blocks, and each Know Blocks is composed of a Block header and a list of confirmed transactions. Blocks is confirmed by Full Nodes who are delegated by the Stakers through a mechanism called Delegated Proof of Stake (will be explained in the next posts). Block Generation occurs every 10 seconds within the Knowchain network.

Full Nodes are the validators and the keepers of the first layer — Know Layer. A Full Node is a computer who participates in Knowchain network and has connections with other Full Nodes. Transactions will be sent to Full Nodes and forwarded to Delegates. A Delegate is a Full Node who has been voted by other Full Nodes (Voters) to be the validator for the next block. Voters are Full Nodes who stake their Know to get the votes. To vote for a Delegate, a Full Node must create a transaction called Vote Transaction and the total Votes will be counted with weights are the current staking balance of the Voters. Full Nodes can be run by any computers and they play a vital role for the sustainability of the Knowchain network. To promote Full Nodes to stake Know and join in Voting process, Knowchain has the Block reward system for Delegates and its Voters. Knowchain rewards the block generators a fixed amount of Know per block.




Knowchain is a 2 layered blockchain that powers enriched decentralized Applications with Smart Contracts and Additional Information of users on-chain.