KnownOrigin update — December 2019

James Morgan
Published in
5 min readJan 7, 2020

December saw substantial growth for both KnownOrigin and the digital arts scene in general. We’ve been trying to put some understand behind the recent bump in volume but it's hard to pin down exactly what the root causes are, and we suspect it’s several things which have contributed to the recent growth of the sector.

Some thing which do spring to mind is the popularisation of non-fungible tokens in general, the rise and success of games such as Gods Unchained (after the Hong Kong Blizzard fallout) late last year added lots of public press and possibly brought many new eyes to the space.

NFTs across the board has seen an uptick in volumes, with CryptoArt not an exception to the rule, a solid and sound use case for the tokenisation of art has been tested and is playing out in the wild with good levels of investment and attention across all sites.

Also platforms like SuperRare Team have also seen some pretty special sales volumes as well as selling the one of the most expensive crypto arts piece that we have seen so far, Trevor Jones and Alotta Money selling ETH Girl for over $10,000! A landmark and massive achievement for all those involved, well done 👏

KnownOrigin as always has focused on evolution, releasing new features and pushing the platform forward. We hope we are helping and adding to the recent rise in NFTs and CryptoArt. All in all December has been great for digital arts, great for NFTs and great for all our artists, collectors and the platform itself, below are a few of our KO highlights.

📆 December Monthly Stats

  • Top sale of the month goes to Rare Designer for “BLOCKCHAIN EDEN” selling for 10 ETH, $1483.90 at the time of the sale 🔥
  • $25,000 in primary sales (181+ ETH in sales) 💵
  • 458 editions created 🖌
  • 1518 artworks sold 🚀
  • 200+ bids placed / 127 accepted 🔨
  • XCOPY selling all 25 editions in 37 minutes, 88 seconds per sale! 💸

Feature update and highlights

December saw several new features go live and several features reach the testing phase.

Artist Collabs

A highly requested feature is a way to easily setup joint artworks that enables collaboration and allows for any funds generated to be split at the point of purchase. This is now a reality, the post below details this is more depth.

Email Notifications

We quietly rolled out the first version of artist and collectors communications over christmas, allowing collectors to set a username and email and they will be contracted on various activities such as being outbid and purchase confirmations. This is the first part of the multi-stage rollout and more changes are coming in this area.

CryptoVoxels Build

We have been late to the CryptoVoxel party but now after the gift of a parcel from WhaleShark we finally got down to building a KO gallery on CryptoVoxels. Its slowly taking shape and can be found below — soon we will be reaching out to anyone who wants to exhibit in the space. I also tried to write some scripts for the parcel but failed miserably, I hope scripting improvements happen in CV as I think this will unleash even more of the possibility of the metaverse!

New file types and video/audio support

I spent much of December testing out and exploring adding new file types to KnownOrigin and I can report we are nearly ready for launch.

I tested several including mp4, webm, webp amongst others and on day one our current plan is to rollout the following new files types:

  • WebM— a web friendly video/audio format which is free to use and widely supported in modern browsers
  • WebP — a modern web friendly lossless image format with good compression properties
  • SVG — a scalable vector based image format also with great browser support

Along with this they are open standards and provide significant improvements over our existing set of allowed formats and do not have some of the patent issues which mp3/mp4 have. The above are also supported by the largest marketplace in the NFT space, OpenSea (

I think as a general rule, using as open formats as possible is preferable for the artwork and having the widest ecosystem reach should be aimed for to prevent siloed works in general, something at KO we believe strongly in.

There are still some changes left to make but we are not to far away from launching this feature. Let us know what you think and how you will use these formats.

KnownOrigin Subgraph

In December we begain expermitenting and started to build out the KnownOrigin subgraph —

The Graph provides a excellent service to build scalable GQL based solutions on Ethereum. We already have our own indexer and backend services at KO but the subgraph can be used and queried publically which is a nice feature. Have a play about see if you can find some relevant information on our Subgraph, we will carry on making more changes and utilising this in the future.

Some stats for the month of December!

Thats all for this update, we have more changes going live this coming month so watch this space!

Come join the telegram group and chat with other collectors and artists alike or follow us on twitter @KnownOrigin_io for more updates and collaborations.

Big love… ❤️

KO crew

Some us some love by sharing and giving us a clap or two for the post!



James Morgan

Founder of @knownorigin_io @BlockRocketTech @blockchain_manc — NFT nerd, crypto enthusiast, lover of music, humanist, mostly found hacking web3