KnownOrigin Update — June 8th

Fix up look sharp … latest KO changes and platform updates — new UX + searching for artworks just got a major boost 🚀 🔥 🎨

James Morgan
3 min readJun 8, 2019


With features like self-service being plugged into KnownOrigin the last few months, the gallery and the site in general was in a need of a good lick of paint. Over the last few weeks we have been working on simplifying the look and feel and hopefully making it a more enjoyable experience for both artists and collectors.

Today we took our first steps and applied what we hope is a cleaner look and feel to the whole site, pairing back component UX to be less obstructive and hopefully giving more emphasis on the artworks themself. It’s the first part of hopefully a larger UX re-fresh which we’ve been in need of for a while.
More to come on this front in the future, below is Alex Shell’s awesome LGBT Indian 🚀 🔥

LGBT Indian by Alex Shell —

Filters, Sorting & Browsing

A long time coming, this week we got down to adding the first batch of filtering and sorting options to the gallery.

Firstly we have added a quick link feature using the top 20 tags, including ‘most recent’ & user generated content.

The new gallery filter options —

Some of the things you can now do to find the right artwork:

  • Scarcity filters - Ultra rare (1 of 1), Rare (1–10), Common (10+)
  • Sort by Price (high <> low)
  • Sort by Scarcity (high <> low)
  • All, Recent and Top 20 user tags

We will be assessing the usage of these in the coming weeks as well as adding more filters as they are requested. Please get in touch using the links at the bottom of this post and let us know what you think of the new features or features you’d love to see.

Filters will also be rolled out to other pages in the future

A wider platform update

I wanted to give a quick update and give some figures on the platform as a whole.

  • 518 Editions created 🎨
  • Approx 20 editions created each week since self-service launched 📈
  • 99 artists onboarded (hopefully lots more to come) 🧨
  • 2250+ tokenised artworks have been issued from the KnownOrigin Smart Contracts 🔥🔥🔥
  • In the past 30 days we had 1.3 million API function invocations. This covers lots of things on the site, not just front facing pages but it does show is steady growth and utilisation. 🚀🚀🚀
  • Public APIs are also now available and is being used by at least one person we know. Please reach out to us if you would like to utilise the. 💾
  • David moore (aka Selfmadeheroes) & Oliver Carding both recently went over to NYC for New York blockchain week whilst the rest of the team watched jealousy from rainy Manchester. They flew the flag for the team on various projects of ours such as KnownOrigin, NiftyFootball and CryptoKaiju. Some of David’s thoughts on the RAREAF2 gathering can be found here.
  • DAO what…? After my original writings on the Arts DAO subject, and after receiving such interesting and positive feedback, I wanted to give a small update. I am part through further investigation into governance and reputation systems, its mainly a research piece for my own understanding. I am also speaking with some people over at MetaCartel who are nearing the launch of a MolochDAO fork — thanks to pet3rpan for the intro to the cartels varied and big hitting collective.

Also iDAF is coming up in a few weeks, we will hopefully meet face to face with some of the people I have only ever virtually spoken to, I am very much looking forward to the festival an meeting people for real!

In the meantime, please let us know any feedback and feature requests and we will carry on rolling new UX changes and features in the coming weeks.

It’s been a pleasure— James

Start your digital art collection now, head to

Also remember to say “hello” on our telegram channel or twitter @knownorigin_io account.

Big love… KO Team




James Morgan

Founder of @knownorigin_io @BlockRocketTech @blockchain_manc — NFT nerd, crypto enthusiast, lover of music, humanist, mostly found hacking web3