KnownOrigin Update — March 6th 2020

User profiles, data insights, monthly stats

James Morgan
5 min readMar 6, 2020


February has been one of those heads down and get stuff done type of months. February was generally busy, not only has KO done more in terms of sales than ever before, we’ve also made some pretty big changes to how the belly of KO functions. But before coming to those things lets cover some stats from last month.

📆 February Monthly Stats

  • Primary sales — 165 ETH+($38540)
  • Secondary sales — 12 ETH+ ($2793.40) OpenSea data
  • Top single sale goes to Giant Swan for Purgatory — the spectacularly immersive WebM on KO — selling for 10ETH ($2663.00)
  • 628 editions created 🖌
  • 770+ artworks sold 🚀

Platform changes

To give you some background, we spent some time in over the new year taking a step back and trying to priorities our development efforts on KnownOrigin for the new year a head.

We identified a few keys areas which need to be addresses before the platform can scale to a larger number of artists and collectors, these included amongst other things the following three big areas, all of which required large amounts of engineering changes.

  • Enhanced image handling — we took our first steps to address this last month with the rollout of new image uploading and imaging conversion services ✅
  • New media types — at the start of this month we rolled out WebM, WebP and SVG support, including support for audio 🎵 and video 📽 aiming to give more feature rich formats for artists to express themselves. ✅
  • Removing dual profiles — we had a confusing user and artist profile concept which last week we hopefully fixed ✅ (minus a few initial bugs 🐛)

This ticks off a few of the big areas we needed to tackle in order to sleep better at night and hopefully make the platform scale up to much larger numbers of users and artists in the future.

User profiles

User profiles has replaced the dual artist and user concept with a single, unifying your profile regardless of who you are

We have introduced new fields to bring your profile to life such as location, profile images, full bio’s and social links.

We are hoping this will improve onboarding both artists and collectors to the platform and removes a large piece of technical debt which existing in the system the alpha version.

There’s still a few loose ends to tie up but we hope everyone likes what we tried to prove possible.

Data Insights

Public blockchains such as Ethereum are funnily enough, public, as is all the data which exists on them. We have been trying to build some tools which helps surface this information for all to see in a palatable way.

As you are may be aware we’ve carried on chipping away at this for several weeks with mixed success. This week we’ve been finalising hopefully more insightful data and adding two new features on the platform, providing more information on both the concept of editions, sales and collectors.

The first addition to come is the Collectors dashboard, we now simply show the top 100 collectors by ETH spent. Along with total number of purchases and when they first made a purchase on KO.

A snapshot of the new collectors board —

Second addition is what we are terming Insights, this is the first attempt and trying to surface valuable and interesting information about the sales for multi-edition artworks. It attempts to highlight some common and hopefully interest facts about editions and there sales, likes, number of owners amongst other things.

Some stats from artist Hackatao

Thanks for all the feedback form the community on this. If you have comments or suggestions on this data then please do join the telegram group and let us know. 🙏


KO has been on the move 🚆 ✈️ 🛥.
David moore (aka Selfmadeheroes) headed over to New York for . The trip started with an epic 15 hour journey from Manchester to New York. Unfortunately due to late arrival in JFK David missed the infamous ‘Speakers Dinner’. The conference began at 08:00 on 20th Feb and had a wide range a topics and speakers which led to an interesting mix of attendees. David joined a panel on the main stage with Topper Bowers, Chris Lee discussing ‘anonymous identities’ and how this works in the real world. This topic is of particular interest to KnownOrigin as we started out life as a fully anonymous platform. David explained some of the challenges the team faced in the early days during the panel discussion.

The conference was fast paced and saw lots of speakers throughout the day, this intern led to the Q & As being cut short which was a shame. David also had the chance to meet with a number of delegates, artists and collectors. such as Scott from Portis, Jon and Zack from SuperRare, Bae and Judy form DaDA and Rimas from DappRadar. David was keen to meet with some NFT collectors and share some ideas, he met with J1mmy.eth and Token Angle and artists Connie digital, Josie and spent some time chatting about interoperability and personal smart-contracts vs platform approach.

The event finished at 18:00 and some of attendees and speakers moved to the after party, this was at an Irish pub 🍀 around the corner! The drinking 🍺 and chatting went long in to the night. The future of #NFTLand is very exciting and we are equally excited about KnownOrigin being in the thick of the conversations and wider eco-system discussions.

ETH London

Myself and the rest of the team headed down to london for ETH London where we hacked and won a prize for “Loan Shark” 🦈. An NFT leasing concept where you can add even more utility to your NFT tokens in a trustless fashion, even earning DAI per second for the privilege. Read more about it our BlockRocket blog or the devposst below.

Whats next?

We have a few things in the pipeline and getting the Insights over the line, plus a bunch of new artists to be added but then we will start exploring some new auctions and marketplace mechanics.

That’s all from today’s update, thanks for reading.

Be sure to join the telegram group and chat with other collectors and artists alike or follow us on twitter @KnownOrigin_io for more updates and collaborations.

Big love… ❤️

The KnownOrigin team



James Morgan

Founder of @knownorigin_io @BlockRocketTech @blockchain_manc — NFT nerd, crypto enthusiast, lover of music, humanist, mostly found hacking web3