New artist controls & gifting NFTs

The first step in a journey to artist self submission and further autonomous controls

James Morgan
3 min readNov 7, 2018

At KnownOrigin we have long be an advocate of empowering artists which are to be more autonomous, creating a platform to showcase their work, getting it in front of more people and fundamental to bring in more sales for them.

KnownOrigin as it stands is a application which is manually managed by the team, this doesn't scale and today we are releasing the first step towards improving this by deploying some tools which the artists can use directly without our help or input.

Today we are officially announcing the first artist controls on the KO platform. These tools give artists two new functions to use, completely autonomous and hopefully without any oversight from the team. Fundamentally meaning we can spend more time building and promoting and less time managing. It’s also another good example of why early in the year we rolled out a new ERC-721 issuing contract, these new tools along with auctions are the first two new layers of the KO platform which we have built.

Gifting Artworks

We have been asked by several artists to provide this feature and it aligns with our goals. If we enable artists to spread their work and showcase more of it, it can only be a positive to both the digital arts movement, the blockchain space and the NFT space.

To do this we have built a new contract which is the entry point to the KODA platform, it has only one simple rule:

  • Only the artists who created the work can gift it

The new contract is a proxy contract which enforces this rule and we have also built a simple UI which is only exposed if your web3 account logged in with is the artwork created, all can be found under each artists section of the website. All normal rules apply to the edition i.e. you are limited to the number with in the edition.

Price Controls

This is a administrative task which we get asked to do each week and something which should be controlled by the artists themself. Again we provide a simple UI which allows them to make alterations to the price of the listed item, all done via a simple transaction on Ethereum.

  • Only the artists who created the work can change the price of the edition

An overview of the UI can be seen below

The beta controls UI for Aktiv Protesk —

Wrapping up

The overall effect of this should be empower the artists we have listed and to hopefully allow them to showcase their work to more people via gifting. We hope that the gifting feature is not abused but this is a risk worth taking. Also at present it only works on desktop since the mobile experience needs more work.

Any changes made should appear be immediately once the transaction goes through, prices will be updated on the site and any gifted NFTs will land in the desired wallet.

We also hope from this to encourage but also to run ourselves more competitions and giveaways, the digital arts world and the NFT scene is still very small but growing, greater exposure and getting NFTs into more wallets can only be a good thing for everyone.

Please reach out on our telegram channel or twitter @knownorigin_io account and let us know what you think.

Peace out 🎨… KO Team


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James Morgan

Founder of @knownorigin_io @BlockRocketTech @blockchain_manc — NFT nerd, crypto enthusiast, lover of music, humanist, mostly found hacking web3