Easier Scheduling and Digital Consent Forms for Design Researchers

Andrew Lovett-Barron
Published in
5 min readJul 20, 2019

The success of a design research project is all about the insights, but getting there is a winding road of necessary administrative tasks: recruitment, scheduling, and consent gathering. And that’s all before you get your first meaningful conversation with the participant.

To make the admin side of recruitment easier, you can use Knowsi and Calendly to automate scheduling and sending out consent forms for participants to sign. Simply create your consent form on Knowsi, set up your Calendly with the Knowsi link, and sending it to your research participant.

Let’s look at how it’s done.

Create Your Consent Form with Knowsi

After you’ve signed up for Knowsi you’ll be invited to either add an existing consent form to your project, or create your own form. Either way, you can get started quickly with gathering the right consents for your project.

Create your consent form

Once the consent form is created, you can create a link to the form. You can control whether or not this link is active by simply toggling it on and off.

You’re all set on the Knowsi side!

Create Your Scheduler in Calendly

Once you have the link, head over to your Calendly Dashboard, and select the Calendly project you’re using to schedule your research.

Click the Settings gear icon, and click Edit.

From here, you can select the confirmation page, and select Add Link. Fill in the text that you want to include, and then paste the Knowsi link into the URL field.

After that, hop into the Email Reminder section, and update the text. We recommend expressing your gratitude, and being as specific as you can with the expectations. Using the Link icon, add the Knowsi consent form into the email as well.

From here, you can send out your Calendly links for participants to schedule their own times.

Take it for a Spin

It’s always a good idea to walk through your user’s experience before you send it out, so let’s take a look at the research participant’s experience.

First, they’ll get the Calendly link to schedule their interview with you. They’ll see the days that are available in your calendar, and can select a specific time that works for them in their timezone.

After that, they fill in their information, including any additional guests. Sometimes, you can add a small screener or additional questions inline to this form.

The participant will get a calendar invitation. In this case, they’ll have signed up for a remote interview, so I’ve sent along my appear.in link as well.

They’ll get an email reminder with the Knowsi link, as well as a the opportunity to click and sign the consent form right away.

You can give it a try here: Remote Interview Consent Form

The participant is able to quickly step through the consent form you set up, filling in their information and selecting what they consent to, and what they don’t.

After they click Sign and Finish, the participant will receive an email with a link to the consent form they signed.

Depending on your settings (and GDPR compliance), they’ll be able to modify what they consent to, as well as follow up after the research is complete.

Now what?

Once your participants have signed, you can go back and review who has signed what, and what consent they’ve provided. If there are additional documents you might need them to sign(such as a media release), it’s a simple process to send that along. Learn more about Knowsi features for design researchers and participants at knowsi.com

Join the Knowsi Beta

Are you a design researcher and curious to give Knowsi a try? Sign up for Knowsi today and use the code beta_trial to get your first two months free, as well as lock in the beta pricing.

Any questions or suggestions? Send me a note at andrew@knowsi.com



Andrew Lovett-Barron
Editor for

Designer exploring security, culture, and foresight. I write weekly essays on http://andrewlb.com Now: UX Research @opentrons Prev: @ideo , @usds , @newa