Aeris Accessories

Charvi Shetty
Published in
1 min readSep 3, 2016
Some explorations to power Aeris while keeping it dust-free!

As school begins again, KNOX has brought on two very talented design interns, Dustin and Kevin, from the California College of the Arts. We’ve been hard at work to make Aeris a delightful experience for everyone.

From the way Aeris feels in your hands, to the LEDs around the button that provide you feedback, and even the way you can safely stow away Aeris, we’ve been placing deep thought into each of these aspects.

Various ideas for carrying Aeris where ever life takes you. Which one’s your favorite?

We’re drawing inspiration for objects that we currently love using, and we’d also like to hear more about the products you love! Have an interesting idea? Share it with us at

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