Binary String Evolution in Haskell
The goal in this article is to find the largest number that can be represented with 20 bits
In order to solve this problem, there first needs to be a way to represent each candidate. Instead of storing an array of 20 1s and 0s, the Word32
type from Data.Word
can be used to store the relevant data. All calculations with the Word32
type will be made such that the other 12 bits will always be 0. This allows for the value of the Word32
to be the fitness function itself and allows for the use of bit-wise operations to manipulate the 1s and 0s.
Before starting, here is a list of all imports that will be used for the project:
import Data.Word (Word32)
import Data.Bits (shiftL, shiftR, xor, complement, (.|.), (.&.))
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import System.Random (randomRIO)
And to make things easier, here are a couple type definitions:
type Genome = Word32
type Population = [Genome]
type ScoredPopulation = [(Genome, Float)]
And finally, here is a helpful function to print both the bits of a Word32
and the actual value itself:
printBits :: Genome -> IO ()
printBits w = do
-- Loop backwards to print higher bits first
mapM_ (\n -> putStr . show $ 1 .&. (w `shiftR` n)) [19,18..0]
putStrLn $ " = " ++ show w
Genetic Algorithm Variables
For the genetic algorithm, a few helper variables to make everything easier should be defined. Here are some that I thought were helpful in writing the code:
-- Number where only 20/32 bits are 1
-- Only Used to set max limit for random generation
mask :: Genome
mask = 1048575
population :: Int
population = 500
generations :: Int
generations = 500
iterations :: Int
iterations = 30
mutationChance :: Float
mutationChance = 0.001
Initial Generation
Before any more functions are written, there first needs to be a way to both randomly generate a genome, and randomly generate a population of genomes so that an initial population for the genetic algorithm can be easily created.
-- Generate a single genome
genRandomGenome :: IO Genome
genRandomGenome = randomRIO (0, mask)
-- Generate a list of genomes
genInitialPopulation :: IO Population
genInitialPopulation = replicateM population genRandomGenome
The Crossover function is implemented using the standard crossover technique, where both parents are split into two parts and merged to create a child. Thanks to bit-wise operations, this process is not too difficult. Below is the algorithm used to calculate the child’s DNA. Note that this algorithm assumes the largest 12 bits of both parents are 0, which allows for no need to modify the 12 bits after the crossover. Crossover happens always.
cross :: Genome -> Genome -> IO Genome
cross p1 p2 = do
crossPoint <- randomRIO (0, 20) :: IO Int
let crossMask = complement 0 `shiftL` crossPoint
return $ (p1 .&. crossMask) .|. (p2 .&. complement crossMask)
For each bit in the 20 bits of the Word32
, there is a small chance (set to 0.1% later on) that it will be flipped after crossover occurs. The bit is flipped with bit-wise xor. Mutation always happens after crossover occurs. Here is a function that loops through every bit with a small probability mutationChance
of mutating:
mutate :: Genome -> IO Genome
mutate g = go 20 (pure g)
where go 0 acc = acc
go n acc = do
r <- randomRIO (0, 1) :: IO Float
if r > mutationChance then go (n - 1) acc
-- flip current bit
else go (n - 1) $ acc <&> (`xor` (1 `shiftL` (n - 1)))
Population Selection
When parents are selected from the population, a roulette selection is used to bias the selection towards candidates with a higher fitness. The process is similar to a weighted random selection. See below:
-- Cannot handle empty list
selectFromPopulation :: ScoredPopulation -> Float -> IO Genome
selectFromPopulation scored totalFitness = do
r <- randomRIO (0, 1) :: IO Float
return $ go (r * totalFitness) scored
where go _ [] = undefined -- error on emtpy list
go _ [(x, _)] = x
go dart ((x, p):xs)
| dart > p = go dart xs
| otherwise = x
Creating the Next Generation
To create the next generation, two parents are selected from the population, crossed, and then mutated which yields the child for the next generation. Since the crossover, mutation, and selection functions have already been defined, this one is much more simple:
reproduce :: Population -> IO Population
reproduce p = replicateM population $ do
p1 <- selectFromPopulation scored totalFitness
p2 <- selectFromPopulation scored totalFitness
cross p1 p2 >>= mutate
where summed = scanl1 (+) $ map fromIntegral p :: [Float]
scored = zip p summed
totalFitness = last summed
The Loop
Now, there needs to be a function that puts everything together. This function should keep creating the next generation with crossover and mutation for a given number of times. After that, it should return the genome with the best fitness. The generations
variable from earlier will be used to decide this number.
runGA :: IO Genome
runGA = go generations genInitialPopulation
where go 0 pop = pop <&> head -- Return best fit genome
go n pop = go (n - 1) $ pop >>= reproduce <&> sortBy (flip compare)
Note that runGA
must sort the new population in descending order before making the next recursive call. This is so that when the loop is done, runGA
can simply return the first element of the population, which if sorted in descending order will be the best fit genome.
Main Function
Finally, everything can be combined together into the main function. To make things easier, the main function prints the variables used in the genetic algorithm every time it is run. The main function also calls runGA
multiple times and then calculates the average and standard deviation of each best performing genome.
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "--------------------------------------------"
putStrLn $ "Population Size: " ++ show population
putStrLn $ "Number of Generations: " ++ show generations
putStrLn $ "Number of Iterations: " ++ show iterations
putStrLn $ "Mutation per bit: " ++ show (mutationChance * 100) ++ "%"
putStrLn "--------------------------------------------"
results <- go iterations (pure [])
let floats = map fromIntegral results :: [Float]
mean = sum floats / fromIntegral iterations
totalDiffSquared = sum $ map (\x -> (x - mean) ^ 2) floats
deviation = sqrt $ totalDiffSquared / fromIntegral iterations
putStrLn $ "Average: " ++ show mean
putStrLn $ "Standard Deviation: " ++ show deviation
where go 0 acc = acc
go n acc = do
best <- runGA
putStr ("Iteration " ++ show i ++ ": ") >> printBits best
go (n - 1) $ (best :) <$> acc
where i = iterations - n + 1
Here is the output generated from running the program one time, in iteration 24, it actually reaches the optimal solution of all 1s:
Population Size: 500
Number of Generations: 500
Number of Iterations: 30
Mutation per bit: 0.1%
Iteration 1: 11111111111111011011 = 1048539
Iteration 2: 11111111111111111010 = 1048570
Iteration 3: 11111111111111110001 = 1048561
Iteration 4: 11111111111111111011 = 1048571
Iteration 5: 11111111111111110100 = 1048564
Iteration 6: 11111111111110101000 = 1048488
Iteration 7: 11111111111101111000 = 1048440
Iteration 8: 11111111111110010111 = 1048471
Iteration 9: 11111111111111011110 = 1048542
Iteration 10: 11111111111111111010 = 1048570
Iteration 11: 11111111111111111101 = 1048573
Iteration 12: 11111111111001010111 = 1048151
Iteration 13: 11111111111110010111 = 1048471
Iteration 14: 11111111111110101111 = 1048495
Iteration 15: 11111111111111011011 = 1048539
Iteration 16: 11111111100100010010 = 1046802
Iteration 17: 11111111111110111111 = 1048511
Iteration 18: 11111111101111010100 = 1047508
Iteration 19: 11111111111101111110 = 1048446
Iteration 20: 11111111111111010110 = 1048534
Iteration 21: 11111111111111110001 = 1048561
Iteration 22: 11111111111111110100 = 1048564
Iteration 23: 11111111110101110011 = 1047923
Iteration 24: 11111111111111111111 = 1048575
Iteration 25: 11111111111001011010 = 1048154
Iteration 26: 11111111111011110011 = 1048307
Iteration 27: 11111111111111111110 = 1048574
Iteration 28: 11111111111110100010 = 1048482
Iteration 29: 11111111111011101010 = 1048298
Iteration 30: 11111111111111111000 = 1048568
Average: 1048378.4
Standard Deviation: 371.59454