KnoxLabs: A (Virtual) Realization

The story and vision of KnoxLabs



It may sound cliché, but this all started in my parents garage in Los Angeles. There’s just something about those garages, man.

This particular one was equipped with a chromecast, streaming the Google I/O—where the first cardboards were handed out. Right about now, you’re probably asking yourself, “Cardboards? What do you mean cardboards?”

I might’ve asked myself something similar several weeks prior. However, since my initial exposure to the inexpensive and Do-It-Yourself model of virtual realization (via cardboard goggles, of all things), within hours, I had toolkits prepared for distribution to just about anyone.

Riding the smooth and beautiful wave of virality, KnoxLabs received 500+ orders within the first few days of its operation. I’d say that calls for a celebratory beer. Or two (heh).

Anyhow, today, we are an official Google partner and we’ve worked with numerous brands in getting these awesome cardboard kits into your hands.

Still reading? Good attention span you’ve got there. If still wondering, “Okay, okay… but cardboard?” maybe we should start where you’re most familiar.

We’re all pretty much aware that virtual reality is going to one day become the next media platform, but debates have emerged about the clunky and expensive hardware and lack of open-source software it requires.

KnoxLabs emerged as a potential solution to these obstacles by providing inexpensive and DIY virtual reality toolkits accessible to everyone. It also provides the much-needed platform for developers to transition into virtual reality app development. And we’ve got more than a couple of reasons to brush our shoulders off, even at this early stage. So far, we…

  1. …have worked with the talented folks at Adam and Eve DDB to produce headsets for John Lewis’s ever-so-charming Monty the Penguin Christmas advert. In this scenario, children brought their favourite cuddly toy to Monty and employees were able to scan and render three-dimensionally, allowing the little tykes to interact and play with on a big screen.
  2. …have worked in tandem with Omnicom and Virgin Holidays in bringing immersive virtual tours to allow customers the opportunity to test their purchase before even making the transaction.
  3. … are currently collaborating with River Island to produce an an immersive and interactive film experience for the British Fashion Council’s (BFC) Fashion Film event this year.

But the best part about all of this is that even ordinary joe schmoes like you and I (don’t take it personally) carry the potential for virtual realization right in their pocket. Can you guess what it is? Our smartphones.

That’s why KnoxLabs also produces mobile, accessible, and adaptable smartphone virtual reality kits and software that turns your phone into an immersive virtual reality engine.

Well, that’s all for this week, folks. Stay tuned for more exciting updates!

