Virtual Fitness: Reshaping Exercise

Rich Elmoyan
Published in
4 min readApr 26, 2019

Season 1; Episode 1

Photo by Martin Sanchez on Unsplash

In this segment, Knoxlabs examines the role of virtual reality/augmented reality (VR/AR) in the realm of conventional exercise. To read more, toggle down.

Fitness & VR is a Knoxlabs Online Original Series, writing on the technological nexus between virtual reality and health. Follow Knoxlabs to stay informed on recent developments and topics in virtual reality fitness.

Virtual Reality (VR) is still a relatively fresh concept for the common public to digest, especially with the improvement of VR/AR skyrocketing. In latter times, VR has redefined and confronted its original purpose upon existing stigmas.

Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash

Since the introduction of virtual reality to the consumer, critics have questioned the proper purpose for virtual reality. Well, the answer is… there is no clear-cut answer. The possibilities are brewing and the tech-world is steadily shaping the versatile usage of VR gaming. Big tech companies such as Facebook, Nintendo, and Samsung have all invested thousands of private money to explore and create a unique and limitless virtual universe. New VR developments push the pre-conditioned virtual boundaries even further, as manufacturers come closer to near-perfect products for the benefit of the future and the market. Or as Modern English best said it — it’s getting better, all the time. However, aside from catchy 80s synth pop, today both private and academic sources find interest in the digital realness of these virtual activities, pointing in favor of actual benefits in virtual reality as a true form of exercise.

It is widely known that since the early 2000s, video games have maintained an unbelievable forward progression in digital gameplay; and as technological innovations advance in the realm of gaming, it has also influenced conventional exercise. It was during this time that we saw the birth of a direct nexus between virtual reality and physical activeness — though non-accessible to the public domain then.

And now, we have some (and are in the process of getting more) of the hard data to backup that virtual reality deeply links to substantial health benefits. According to the Virtual Reality Institute of Health and Exercise, statistics show that since 2016, virtual reality games such as Audioshield have helped burn at least 160 million calories. Oddly enough, this equals to running to the moon and back more than five times!

Universities have quickly jumped the gun (figuratively) to learn more about this concept, and as the evidence and research compiles, institutions such like San Francisco State University apply VR to wellness centers and exercise programs to track the virtual health benefits that translate to the real world.

In 2018, San Francisco State University’s Kinesiology Department kick-started a virtual fitness program for students and staff, incorporating virtual reality applications to monitor heart rate levels, intake of oxygen, and other health indicators that only medical nerds would understand. How do I know this? Well, luckily I had the opportunity to instruct and monitor the very first virtual fitness classes at SF State. Amidst my last year in the Bay, I was able to explore the benefits of virtual reality in exercise and witness participants’ interaction with the gadgets.

By the time particpants finished their 30-minute exercise, they were sweating, smiling, and in disbelief at how fast time flew. Games such as Audioshield, Holopoint, and Google Earth VR (my personal favorite — not endorsed though I wish). It was quite the experience from an instructor’s perspective viewing gamers’ interaction. Slowly but surely, participants became regulars at the VR fitness programs. Since the inaugural test-run, SFSU continues to research and provide the fitness program. The purpose of this research campaign is to gather data and statistics, find context within the research, and further elaborate on the exact benefits of virtual reality. Pretty nifty, right?

Video by San Francisco State University

San Francisco State University is a prime example of forward-thinking amongst other universities that manage a VR fitness program. And we have consistent fitness programs such as Jake Phillips’ 90-Day Fitness Challenge on the KAT Walk Treadmill System that exemplifies the possibility of a routine workout based around virtual reality video-gaming (more on Jake’s program coming soon in the second part of our VR Fitness series). Which in return questions and redefines conventional exercise as we know it. No longer does one need to visit the local gym to burn some calories after a visit to the ice cream shop. Video games stimulate the mind, but as of recent trends, we are learning that it can also provide a healthy regimen for daily exercise.

Season 1 Episodes

Season 1; Episode 4Virtual Reality Helps Mental Health Disorders

Season 1; Episode 3A Virtual Cold War

Season 1; Episode 2 U.S. Olympic Team Virtual Reality

Season 1; Episode 1Virtual Reality: Reshaping Exercise

Knoxlabs incorporates international stories as part of Knoxlabs research and editorial contribution to Virtual Reality.

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Rich Elmoyan

Geopolitical Analyst • Map & Location Intelligence