A look into Spring

Kobe Holmes
Published in
Mar 22, 2021

Covid-19 has promoted us to stay inside and remain socially distant. The winter has made it extremely hard to do activities outside, but as Spring has risen amongst us, students are trying to become innovative with safe activities. Central Michigan’s campus is full with sights to see. Even though “spring bloom” is in the process, the warm weather Michigan has been receiving lately has promoted more activities to take place outside. The person in the pictures below is a student attending Central Michigan at the moment. He describe his time inside to be “tough” and “stressful” with everything going on in the world. The student speaks for us all when he says that he is highly appreciative and grateful that there is a upside for cases going down. Spring is truly a sign of hope and happiness.

Close up of student reading.
Self Portrait of student enjoying the Day.
Action Shot of student walking on the pond located in the middle of campus.
Landscape shot of pond located in the heart of campus.

