17 ways digital signatures transform your business…

Published in
2 min readSep 21, 2020
Digital Signature - KOBIL Systems

Replacing paper with digital documents and electronic business processes can have a profound impact on your organization.

According to Gartner, “the worldwide adoption of e-signature continues to rise, and the savings it provides have proved to be real”.

These include reduced admin burdens, lower staffing costs and falling processing times — resulting in a more efficient and profitable business.

Here are 17 situations that can be quickened with digital signatures.

Business to business (B2B) communications

1. Signing non-disclosure agreements (NDAs)

2. Signing contractual agreements

3. Signing procurement agreements

4. Signing sales and service agreements

Business to consumer (B2C) communications

5. Securing consent

6. Account opening documents

7. Agreements on loans, mortgages, health and insurance documents

Business to employee (B2E) communications

8. Employment contracts

9. Benefits paperwork

10. Onboarding documents

11. Applications for leave, travel expenses and other costs

Service to people (S2P) communications

12. Confirmation requests

13. End of contract agreements

14. Missing consent situations

People to service (P2S) communications

15. Sick notes

16. Private health invoices

17. Changes of address

So, ask yourself this: can you really afford to ignore digital signatures?

KOBIL technology is helping businesses around the world reduce costs and increase efficiency by embracing advanced electronic signatures. See what KOBIL mSign could do for your organization today.

Check more at https://www.kobil.com/technologies/mpower/msign

