Solve minimum window substring problem

Kode Shaft
Algo Shaft
Published in
2 min readAug 2, 2019

In this post we are gonna discuss how to solve minimum window substring problem using Sliding window principle

Problem Statement :

Given a string S and a string T, find the minimum window in S which will contain all the characters in T in complexity O(n).



Output: “BANC”

Note:If there is no such window in S that covers all characters in T, return the empty string “”.

If there is such window, you are guaranteed that there will always be only one unique minimum window in S.

Step by step solution to the problem :

As in this problem we have to find the minimum window , first paradigm which comes to our mind to solve this is Sliding window.

Base Case:

if either s or t is null then we can’t find any common window between them.

if(s==null || t==null) return “”;

Main Algorithm:

first lets keep all the character count of t in a map like below code so that we can check a character’s availability from this map easily in O(1).

int[] map=new int[128]; 
for(Character c:t.toCharArray())map[c]++;

Let’s take two pointers start and end to iterate through s and initialize them with 0 along with some other variables.

int start = 0, end = 0, minStart = 0, minLen = Integer.MAX_VALUE, counter = t.length();

Now we iterate over s using end pointer and validate if current character is present in t or not by checking map[arr[end]] > 0. If it’s present decrement the counter to signify that we got one character match and (count-1) character to be matched.Also we decrement map[arr[end]] to signify that we have traversed current character using end pointer.

In this process if we get count==0, that means we got an desired window, so replace this window as result window if this is the minimum window.

Now we increment the map[arr[start]] to restore the character count in map and signify that we are done with arr[start] and move start pointer ahead to remove start from current window.

Two important things to note here is :

1. if (map[arr[end]] > 0) counter — ;

this signifies we got match of char in s with char in t, so we have counter-1 char to match in the current window.

2. if(map[arr[start]]>0)counter++;

this signifies that after restoring the actual char count in map by traversing through start pointer, if count>0 then increment counter and start as we are removing this char from current window, and moving the window forward.

The complete code for this problem can be found in

Happy Learning 😎



Kode Shaft
Algo Shaft

Blog made by two tech enthusiasts Dipesh and Gagandeep living in India. Here you can find informations about things happening around technology industry.