Demanded Digitized Product!

Published in
3 min readJan 26, 2021

With no doubt, the use of technology is increasing and transforming more aspects of our life. This creates a higher demand for technical and up-to-date products. A digitized human, as a product, is the demand of these times.

Refugees have a great chance to get involved in this market because they are living and working in countries that rely on technology more than their homeland does. And this adds to their accessibility to build their life better.

Learning programming has become easy nowadays. The children are already used to using computers, and the internet has many, many more resources than it had 10 years ago, so they can learn and develop their skills by practicing. Nevertheless, the various efforts put by the community to teach the basics of coding to children in schools or summer clubs as well as NGOs which facilitate projects for that as well.

But, Sometimes the youth developers or any new learner find it hard after learning the basics. They look at available massive apps and feel disappointed because they still cannot make such apps. Talking to expert engineers is great from time to time to widen their view and instruct them on the latest used concepts and technologies. And this was my part in supporting Kodluyoruz efforts in their coding learning bootcamps.

My academic background is fiscal and monetary policies. Programming was just a hobby. They taught us the basics in school but then I joined courses to learn programming languages and techniques that are used to build websites. After finishing the courses, I made some simple apps like a basic forum, a companies index, and used them in my portfolio to get a job and I did it. Later I started to learn frameworks and CMSs. I also joined courses on Udemy, Udacity, and spent hours and hours on YouTube watching to keep up to date and learn new skills. And that needed huge determination and commitment of myself to always seek small steps to solve problems I’ve faced during my journey.

When I got in touch with students in Kodluyoruz they were learning the Laravel framework and I saw what they were working on. They were able to create apps using the fundamental concepts in Laravel. With more training, they can easily become professionals.

This is an excellent opportunity provided to them so they can accelerate into developing their skills faster and practice with expert trainers and meet mentors which I haven’t had the chance to obtain. And here I want to highlight the efforts implemented by Kodluyoruz and their partners Western Union for realizing these bootcamps.

As the used Technologies differ between fields. Some fields require the developer to have the specialty of more than one coding language, to be able to integrate codes between frameworks. And for some, it may require them to buy specific devices like iOS development, or even separate hardware sets if the developer is learning to work with hardware. Generally, it is much cheaper than before, especially when it comes to finding learning resources.

In conclusion, we all are becoming digitized and need to approach ourselves with a vision to realize the needs of tomorrow’s demanding markets.

Thanks, Western Union and Kodluyoruz for giving me this mentoring opportunity!

Feras Jobeir

