KogeFarm 2.0: The Unveiling

Adam Bertram
Published in
5 min readSep 20, 2021

After months of work and setbacks, we’d like to finally announce the completion of our biggest project yet; KogeFarm 2.0! KogeFarm 2.0 has been a long time in the making and is a major milestone for us both from a product and a general team mindset perspective.

Even though we’ve been around since May 2021, it’s been tough to get traction due to our small size. We know we have a great product and community. But in the crypto world, unless you pay influencers to shill your coin (with no knowledge of what you’re about), shout “to the moon!” from the rooftops on every forum possible, or engage in some shady tactics, it’s hard to get noticed.

KogeFarm and KogeCoin have no investors. We are built on the backs of our dev team, community moderators, and our marketing group. Working on (and finishing) a project like KogeFarm 2.0 is a major accomplishment for us, and we’re excited to share it with you!

Security. Performance. Community.

As we began to plan KogeFarm 2.0, we tried to develop a theme of what KogeFarm was about and came up with three words; Security, Performance, and Community. These three words symbolized who we were and what we strive for. These words sum up KogeFarm 2.0.


One of our first blog posts is centered around security. This blog post should have been a clue. Since we began, we’ve focused on building smart contracts that are trustless and audited to ensure we’re delivering a product as secure from exploits as possible and build your trust in us.

We’re doubling down on security by unveiling the results of our new audit (and what we’ve done to address all non-critical issues found). We’re also going to be focusing more on automation from a secure, audited template and automated testing.

Kevin has been working his tail off delivering new vaults to you all, but in 2.0, we’re going to really ramp up automation with the addition of Adam “the Automator” Bertram to our team. Automation delivers lots of value, and one of those is an inherently more secure, standardized approach to development.


We’re called a yield optimizer for a reason. We focus on performance. Although we’ve always had dirt cheap fees and have been auto-compounding every twenty minutes, we will continue to do this in the 2.0 era.

We’re specifically going to be focusing on performance through our kogefarm.io website (explained a bit further down). We’ve been told, “your website is just a fork of PancakeSwap. You’re a scam!”. Well, the first statement is right. KogeFarm.io did start as a fork of the PancakeSwap user interface (UI) because it severely reduced development time.

Nowadays, though, we’ve outgrown that fork and need to improve the website user experience. 2.0 will be introducing a brand new interface for farms and vaults. This new interface will act as our foundation to build more features and improve the user experience on KogeFarm over time.


Did I mention our community isn’t just a bunch of assholes? We actually want to help you become a part of our community and be a wiser yield farmer! It’s shocking to learn this from a DeFi community, right?!?

We will continue helping everyone in our social channels and routinely putting out learning-based blog articles. We also plan to do a full refresh of our documentation. We know it’s a bit rough, but that will change shortly.

We want to make it easier for everyone to get the highest yields and easily figure out how to make that happen through content on our blog and new YouTube channel.

Join us via all the socials, where we’ll be happy to help you learn more about Koge and answer your DeFi questions!

The Brand New KogeFarm 2.0 Platform!

Along with our invigorated focus on security, performance, and community, we’d also like to announce the most visible (and sexy) part of KogeFarm 2.0. The brand new website!

The new site is undoubtedly the most visible piece and the cornerstone of KogeFarm 2.0.

KogeFarm 2.0 vaults page
KogeFarm 2.0 farms page

The new site improves upon many of the common requests we’ve gotten over the months. It was designed and built to make it easier to find new vaults and track your performance in staked vaults. We’ve aimed to increase the experience as a whole and provide a sexier, more streamlined look at the same time.

You will see various improvements across the board but know 2.0 is just the beginning. We already have almost 64tasks in our 2.1 backlog we aim to tackle! The 2.0 UI is just the beginning.


We can’t forget marketing. We could build the best product out there, but if no one knows about it, it wouldn’t much matter. We intend to begin actively reaching out to more platform partners. We’ve seen how successful partnerships have been in the past, and we intend to pursue that further in the 2.0 age.

Adam has already been a part of several interviews with influencers both in the crypto space and the mainstream capital market. In the future, Adam will continue to appear on various podcasts and shows to promote Koge. As you know, our team has been anonymous for professional reasons, but now we have Adam Bertram to help us have a public face (although we’re not sure how attractive that face is. Whatever works).

We’re also focusing on establishing a stronger Reddit and Twitter presence to bring awareness to KogeFarm and KogeCoin. Jeremy has been doing a great job of that and will continue to do so.


We’re excited to finally launch KogeFarm 2.0, which should further separate us from the pack. Piggy-backing on the work we’ve done up to this point, we are ecstatic to see where 2.0 will take us!




Adam Bertram

A 20-year veteran of IT, crypto geek, content creator, consultant and overall problem solver.