Koinju’s Crypto Spot Markets Reference Data screenshot (via AirTable).

Reference Data for Crypto Markets



(If you never have heard of “reference data” concept before, we invite you to first read our article related to this topic. Already have? Okay, let’s move on)

Welcome to the Koinju Reference Data!

The purpose of this tutorial is to help you to understand how to use our reference data as simply as possible. If you have any questions or suggestions concerning it, please contact us at this address: reference@koinju.io.

A reference data, for what use case?

Contrary to the Digital Token Identifier — for which we’re participating in its implementation with the DTI Foundation — , this reference data does not aim to verify whether the token in the wallet is the same as the one effectively registered in the related blockchain.

It is a policy to unify crypto Exchange platforms and crypto data listers’ proprietary formats within a unique source, plus a range of unique identifiers that we made. A kind of translation dictionary for the crypto markets data we process at Koinju through our API. Because this is the greatest use we have identified for this reference data: being able to link, within a single API call, market data expressed within different formats. In other words, the implementation of this data repository within our API enables to decrease the number of calls that would have been necessary to verify the meaning of a data between several market data providers’ API (i.e. the identifier of a market on an Exchange platform may not be the same as the one available on the API of another provider). The goals are to:
- Overcoming the lack of standardization of information from which the crypto market suffers, standardization that the traditional financial professions need;
- Reconciling and standardizing data from multiple sources under a unique format (so you don’t have to waste your time finding out if “BTC” is “XBT” anymore);
- Helping with the mitigation of transaction settlement risks, thanks to an automate data formatting.

Regarding the ideology widely shared by the crypto community, we made our reference data publicly available. For this, we decided to import our Excel file into AirTable, a “low-code platform for building collaborative apps” (cf. AirTable baseline). This article aims to help with the use of such a tool 😄

DISCLAIMER: This reference data also reconcile data whose format is the intellectual property of third-parties. Koinju does not charge the access to this data and data formats that are made publicly available. The Digital Token Identifier Foundation (“DTIF” and “DTI”), the CoinMarketCap (“CMC“), the CoinGecko, the CoinPaprika and the Exchange platforms data formats are collected and displayed “as is” and “as it stands”. Koinju has not made any changes whatsoever to the data format that it has freely collected from the interfaces of these third parties. Therefore, Koinju cannot be held responsible for any missing (i.e. empty box) , erroneous, inaccurate, or out-of-date data or data formats, nor for the veracity of any links that may have been attempted between these data formats and those created by Koinju.


1) Enter the Koinju Reference Data

[UPDATE] Koinju Reference Data’s scope now also covers Futures and Options markets!

To get access to our Reference Data, you just have to click on the following link:

By clicking on the link, you will be directed to the “grid view” of the Koinju Reference Data interface. There you will find a short description, and the data exploration apps and tables we made available.

2) Content of the Koinju Reference Data

Koinju® Reference Data is composed of three pages: Koinju Spot Markets, Koinju Futures Markets, Koinju Options Markets.

Each page is composed of two tables:

a)Spot Markets:

  • The “Assets” table: this is a conversion table which displays the Koinju’s proprietary data format, the DTIF, the CMC, the CoinPaprika, and the CoinGecko ones for each asset that can compose a market (as a “base” and/or as a “quote” of the market). The “Assets” table contains the following columns (or “fields”): “Koinju Asset Symbol”, “Koinju Asset Name”, “Koinju Asset Slug”, “Koinju Asset ID”, “DTI Token Type”, “Digital Token Identifier”, “Blockchain”, “Type”, “Synthetic Type”, “CMC Slug”, “CMC API ID”, “CoinPaprika Slug”“CoinPaprika API ID”, “CoinGecko Slug”, “CoinGecko API ID”, “Market pairs where the Asset is a Base”, and “Market pairs where the Asset is a Quote”.
  • The “Markets” table: this is a correspondence table which enables you to compare the API format of a trading pair (“crypto-to-fiat” and “crypto-to-crypto” trading pairs) applied by the Exchange on which this market is observed with the Koinju’s proprietary data format, the DTIF, the CoinGecko, the CMC and the CoinPaprika’s one. The “Markets” table contains the following fields: “Koinju Market Name”, “Koinju Market ID”, “Exchange”, “Exchange’s API REST Market Name”, “Exchange’s Websocket Market Name”, “Koinju Base Symbol”, “Koinju Base ID”, “Digital Token Identifier Base ID”, “Koinju Base Slug”, “Koinju Quote Symbol”, “Koinju Quote ID”, “Digital Token Identifier Quote ID”, “Koinju Quote Slug”, “Synthetic Asset (Base)”.

b)Futures Markets:

  • The “Contracts” table: this is a table which displays the Koinju’s proprietary data format of each contract that can compose a Futures market as a base. The “Contracts” table contains the following fields: “Koinju Contract Symbol”, “Koinju Contract Name”, “Koinju Contract Slug”, “Koinju Contract ID”, “Koinju Underlying Asset Symbol”, “Koinju Underlying Asset Slug”, “Expiration Date”, “Contract Type”.
  • The “Futures Markets” table: this is a table of correspondence that allows you to find all the Futures markets on the exchanges we process with the Koinju’s proprietary data format and the one of each exchanges. The “Futures Markets” table contains the following fields: “Koinju Market Name”, “Koinju Contract Symbol”, “Koinju Market ID”, “Koinju Contract ID”, “Exchange Market Name”, “Exchange”, “Koinju Underlying Asset Symbol”, “Koinju Quote Symbol”, “Koinju Quote ID”, “Exchange’s API REST Futures Market Name”, “Exchange’s Websocket Futures Market Name”.

c)Options Markets:

  • The “Options” table: this is a table with all the options available on Binance for now. It gives the Koinju’s proprietary data format and the characteristics of each option. The “Options” table contains the following fields: “Koinju Option Symbol”, “Koinju Option Name”, “Koinju Option ID”, “Koinju Underlying Asset Slug”, “Koinju Underlying Asset ID”, “Strike”, “Expiration Date”, “Type”.
  • The “Options Markets” table : this is a table that list all the options markets observed with the Koinju’s data proprietary format and those of exchange’s API. The “Options Markets” table contains the following fields: “Exchange”, “Koinju Market Name”, “Koinju Option Market ID”, “Koinju Base Symbol”, “Koinju Base ID”, “Koinju Underlying Base Slug”, “Koinju Quote Symbol”, “Koinju Quote ID”, “Koinju Quote Slug”, “Exchange Market Name”, “Strike”, “Expiration Date”, “Option Type”, “Exchange’s API REST Option Market Name”, “Exchange’s Websocket Option Market Name”.

To help you understand the meaning of these different fields, we have added a description to each of them, which you can find by clicking on the “i” at the top of each column. We invite you to discover them 😜

Field description icon.

3) Build filters and explore the Reference Data

AirTable is a very customizable UX-centric product:

You can easily customise filters, sorts and groups of records to quickly find the information you need on a table view (only the “Grid” view is available at the moment).

Here’s the “Filter” button.
How to “Sort” a table on AirTable.
Assets and Markets tables are grouped by default, but you can custom your own field groups.

You can also get benefits from dashboards in order to make the visualization of the data more intuitive. You can browse Tables using the Search dashboard, and Pies also give you a graphical representation, for the Spot Markets Reference Data example, of the proportion of Market pairs by Exchange, as well as the proportion of Assets by Type.

Unfortunately, the AirTable’s “Interfaces” tool (beta) is only available for collaborators and cannot be publicly displayed. In a near future, we’ll be able to provide you an even better exploration tool for our Reference Data (please hurry up, AirTable ✋).

You can choose to display or remove the dashboards (“Apps”).

We hope you enjoy our Koinju Reference Data and find it useful. Again, if you have any questions or suggestions concerning it, please contact us at this address: reference@koinju.io.

→ Twitter: https://twitter.com/koinju

→ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/koinju

