Unveiling Koinju’s Final Version

Published in
5 min readJun 2, 2020

We decided to launch Koinju at the beginning of 2020. You’re more and more to follow us on this journey and we thank you for that (👏👏👏). It is just a beta version but we are actively working on the next step. We first wanted to be sure that the crypto community would identify Koinju as a key player and attractive alternative to CMC. During several months, we collected community feedback about this beta in order to compose the most inclusive wish list and build it for you.

Our main objective here is to present you the UX/UI we’ve designed for you and with you. Like we did with the beta, feedback remains crucial in our work. That’s why we keep listening to any features and issues you currently have with crypto data providers in any case you would like it to be solved 😀. Feel free to drop a line in this form to describe these matters and help us build the best Koinju.

General presentation of the new koinju.io design

Koinju.io Homepage.

We’ve completely revamped the design of the website (a new global data presentation, extended crypto data providing, …).

We wanted something clear, up to date, and straight to the point. No ads, all the info needed about the markets, and a smooth user journey. On top of the top-quality data we provide with koinju.io, based on a specific and professional-grade methodology, we’ve implemented all the feedback we’ve collected from the community.

These are the main new features you’ll be able to enjoy soon:

1. Homepage Data: standard or pro mode

Until now, you could watch crypto prices with one vision only on koinju.io homepage. Quite simple yes, but not enough, according to many of you. Then, the information on the different crypto markets displayed on the koinju.io homepage will be readable on a two-versions mode:

  • A “Standard” one, where you can find the the ranking, the crypto name, the last prices, the volume and the chart 24h. Just enough to know quickly the basics crypto market information 👌 ;
  • On the other side, you are able to activate the “Pro mode” with a toggle that enables you to see more precise info about a crypto: price 24h and other average calculations like VWAP, and ATH. Take a moment to observe the market carefully 😎 🔍 .

2. Dark Mode

We received a lot of good feedback about the dark design of our beta. Dark mode seems to be very popular. Numerous websites implement it to make the user experience more comfortable but very few make the effort to properly redesign their product. This is why we have made a point of honour to provide a suitable design, fitted to each user preference, and adapted for each moment of the day you watch your favorites cryptos 🌞 🌚.

Have a look of our dark mode design below at the crypto details page section!

3. Compare the assets

When we designed koinju.io, we thought about our daily users. You said to us that you need sometimes to compare the crypto markets and its evolutions to the stock markets or the oil and gold prices for instance. We’ve created “Compare” for you. “Compare” lets you display both the info of the crypto markets from koinju.io and the classical market you want to match on the homepage.

“Compare” is not limited to this usage. You can also compare a crypto asset with another, analyze the variation of each, all in a single tool!

4. Customize your favorite cryptos lists

As you all have your own crypto portfolio and/or preferences, we’ve designed this feature that lets you have an overview of your crypto selection. All you have to do is to click on the “star” next to your cryptos to create your presets.

In a future update of koinju.io, you’ll have also the ability to store and save this bucket of crypto inside your personal account.

The crypto page

Crypto details page.

A huge improvement compared to the beta version of koinju.io is the ability to select and click on a specific crypto asset to dive into details about it. As you can see on the screenshot above, we’ve designed a first version of this crypto details page that gives you an overview of these elements:

  • Global data about a crypto, including: a general chart depending on the time scale you select, the number of exchanges used for this crypto, observed markets number, the last price, the 24h volume, and more…;
  • Details about the several exchanges we’ve referenced to define the crypto data;
  • Details about the observed markets;
  • And crypto metadata, corresponding to the summary of the project, its website, links to the main social networks, circulating supply, and more.

This page also lets you add this specific crypto as a preset to your favorite selection.

Here’s a view of Koinju’s dark mode.

“Good things come to those who wait…”

A few weeks before the Koinju’s next version launch. We’re currently working hard on its web integration, and you’ve discovered here an overview of the Koinju’s new aspects and features. We will keep improving it constantly and provide you on a regular basis some fresh news about the future evolutions of the platform. Our ambition is to provide you a tool that fits perfectly with your daily needs as a crypto user.

→ Try our beta on koinju.io

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→ Give us your feedback on this Form

