Historical Analysis: Cryptocurrency Arbitrage

Ayush Mittal
Published in
7 min readSep 21, 2019

We are very pleased to announce the addition of one more distinct, needful feature in KoinKnight that will let you keep an edge over the whole market and let you be the first one to take advantage of the arbitrage opportunities showing in KoinKnight.

Historical Analysis of cryptocurrency data is here! Macro and micro analysis available!

What’s in for users?

To properly utilize this feature and to make it user-friendly, KoinKnight algorithms is analyzing all the data in depth from individual exchanges to individual coins and comparing all of them and letting you just sit and observe the various patterns in charts.

(1) The only provider of cryptocurrency arbitrage data analyses in depth.

(2) Very easy to interpret and informatics graphical analysis of the complicated data points.

(3) Get in-depth arbitrage points for further analysis by applying your Artificial Intelligence algorithms. To know more about visit this page.

How to use this feature?

“Analytics” feature consists of a total of 4 sections. Let us go through each section one by one to have a better understanding and how to use them.

a) Overview

This section gives you a brief idea about all the arbitrages coming for the selected time filter. In time filter, you can opt to see the analysis for ‘Today’, ‘Yesterday’, ‘last 7 days’, and ‘last 30 days’.

So after selecting a time filter, what you will see:

(i) Graph Highest Profit vs Time

(1) Showing the maximum(highest) gain in that particular period (If you have selected days as a scale then the highest profit arrived on that day similarly if you have selected the scale of hours then the highest profit arrived at that hour).

(2) You can use it to determine if you could utilize just that single maximum arbitrage available in that period, how much profit you could have made as shown in the image.

(ii) Graph Profit and ROI vs Time

(1) Histogram showing the total profit you could have made if you were able to utilize all of the arbitrage opportunities available to you.

(2) Line chart suggesting ROI i.e. an average return of investment for that particular period.

(3)This can help you give an overview of future returns and make strategies according to that. Please refer the left image for a better understanding of it.

(iii) Graph: Overall Profit distribution when exchanges are on buy-side or sell-side

(1) Showing the distribution of arbitrages if a particular exchange is present on the buy-side or sell-side respectively.

(2) This distribution helps in determining, which are the major exchanges involved in arbitrage and where you are getting more buy opportunities and where you have to sell more. Hence, you can distribute your funds accordingly.

(iv) Graph: Overall arbitrage distribution on the basis of the type of arbitrage

(1) The last graph in this section gives you an overview of how arbitrages are distributed according to their type i.e. Direct Arbitrage or Intra-Exchange Arbitrage and can see the total profit could be made in either one them.

(2) This section helps you majorly determine how profitable is doing intra-exchange arbitrage too that can be done very easily.

b) Compare

This section has been formed for users to be able to compare arbitrage opportunities occurring among your favorite exchanges. The following graphs help you in understanding the distribution of arbitrages for your selected exchanges on various parameters.

NOTE: For the whole compared section data has been taken accordingly: exchanges are Binance, Bitfinex, Kucoin and showing the last 7-day data for this whole sections images

(i) Graph: Profit distribution when arbitrage starts from the selected exchanges or ends at the selected exchange

(1) Similar to the overview section, but for your selected exchanges, these graphs help you in finding arbitrage distribution according to their buy-side and sell-side.

(2) If one exchange is favorable on buy-side then try to put more money in that particular exchange

(3) If an exchange is preferred on the sell side, then you can try to place more cryptocurrencies on that side.

(ii) Graph Profit vs Time

Graph 3 shows the profit came every day when arbitrage starts from the selected exchanges and Graph 4 shows the profit came every day when arbitrage ends at the selected exchanges (Compared exchanges are Binance, Bitfinex, Kucoin) showing the last 7-day data

(1) Showing the distribution of arbitrage according to the period you selected in a more micro manner where you can see how the arbitrage distributed with time if that exchange is on the buy-side or sell-side.

(2) Can help you determine the time of the day when the exchanges price fluctuations are more and what time you should focus on these exchanges

(iii) Graph: Intra-exchange arbitrage vs exchanges

(1) Showing intra-exchange arbitrage distribution for the selected exchanges.

(2) This will help you determine that out of the ones you selected, which particular exchanges are better for doing intra-exchange arbitrages are which are not.

c) Buy-Sell

This section helps you do micro-analysis of the arbitrage data by selecting a particular buy exchange and sell exchange according to your preferences.

NOTE: For the whole Buy-Sell section, the data taken is of buy exchange is Binance, Sell exchange is Bitfinex and showing the last-7 days of data

(i) Graph: Highest Profit vs time

(1) Similar to the graph you have seen in the overview section. Just these data are for a very selective type of arbitrage in which buy exchange and sell exchange are fixed.

(2)Helps you give validation to the choice of your exchanges whether you can get a single arbitrage of high value or not.

(ii) Graph: Total Profit and ROI vs time

(1) Similar to the graph you have seen in the overview section. Just these data are for a very selective type of arbitrage in which buy exchange and sell exchange are fixed.

(2)Helps you determine whether you are getting a significant amount of arbitrage choices and how much a maximum of you can earn from them.

(ii) Graph: Arbitrage distribution vs Crypto-currencies

(1) This graph is very helpful to give you an edge over your competitors if you are satisfied with the result of the above graph.

(2) You can see the coins, which, generally form the arbitrage and can determine which coins are better to buy in advance at both places and then rather than waiting for the coins to transfer from one exchange to another just buy and sell simultaneously.

d) Exchange

We are still not done, we want to move as in-depth as possible in the micro-arbitrage analysis. This section analyses an individual exchange with utmost details.

NOTE: For analysis of this whole section kucoin is selected with data of the last 7 days

(i) Graph: Arbitrage vs Exchanges when the selected exchange is on buy-side and sell-side respectively.

(1) Showing the arbitrage distribution spread among various exchanges when the selected exchange is on buy-side.

(2) Similarly, in the second graph, you will find arbitrage distribution involving all the exchanges when the selected exchange in on sell-side.

(3) This will help you determine which exchanges are involved with your selected exchanges and what will be a good pair of exchanges for you to consider for doing arbitrages.

(ii) Graph: Direct Arbitrage distribution vs Crypto-currencies

NOTE: For making the following chart only direct arbitrages are considered

(1) Showing arbitrage distribution according to coin wise when the selected exchange is on the buy-side and sell-side respectively.

(2) This will help you to figure out the coins that you can buy in advance to do direct cryptocurrency arbitrage immediately.

(iii) Graph: Intra-exchange Arbitrage distribution vs Crypto-currencies

(1) Showing the intra-exchange arbitrage distribution according to coin-wise for the selected exchange.

(2) This will help you to figure out the coins that you can buy in advance to do intra-exchange cryptocurrency arbitrage immediately.

For any suggestion or queries please email us on contact@koinknight.com



Ayush Mittal

Founder - KoinKnight (Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Enthusiast)