ICO Marketing 101: Getting featured by Youtube Crypto Influencers

Team KoinOK
The KoinOK Blog
Published in
6 min readAug 2, 2018

In the previous article titled “ICO Marketing 101: Listing on 50 Important ICO Listing/Review Platforms”, our aim was to make you realize the importance of getting listed on as many ICO platforms as possible, for generating more brand awareness and in turn, likelihood of improved conversions of your token sale. Additionally, it’s important to particularly tap ICO platforms which have geographically concentrated audiences.

However, ICO platform is just one of the several marketing channels for your ICO marketing. The more channels you tap, the more compounded benefits you get. Some users need 3–4 marketing touchpoint visibility before they decide to take action.

In this article, let’s look at another very important channel for ICO Marketing — Youtube. And we aren’t talking about Youtube Paid Ads; we are focusing on Youtube Influencers. There are several crypto-dedicated Youtube channels, with loyal audiences, who review ICOs on a regular basis.

Influencer Marketing is increasingly replacing Paid Outbound Marketing as the most effective way of driving the target group to take action. There’s much more trust associated with an endorsement from an influencer. Additionally, specifically in crypto space, predominant paid marketing channels including Facebook, Google and Mailchimp etc. came down hard on ICO advertisements, so Influencer Marketing has become even more important. Furthermore, it has been found that Influencer Marketing has the best conversion rate as well.

Now, with influencer marketing, there’s a catch. An influencer is not going to deceive his/her fans just because you pay the channel to get your ICO project featured, if the influencer feels that your ICO project looks like a scam or serves no purpose except for raising money.

But if you are working on a really cool idea on top of Ethereum Network, then you should definitely reach out to these Youtube Influencers listed below. Although these channels scout for good ICO projects themselves as well, but with so much crowding in the ICO space, even good projects face difficulty to get noticed let alone featured.

So, you should make sure that you reach out to all these influencers and let them know about your project. If your project is worthwhile, you will definitely get featured by some of these Youtube influencers. Some of them might charge you as well for uploading a video review of your ICO project on their channel, so depending on your marketing budget and ROI factor, you can decide how aggressively you want to tap Youtube as a channel. You can also offer an affiliate marketing deal to them instead of upfront payment, so that you know that you are only paying for successful conversions on your website (e.g. in the form of signups).

But at least reaching out to all these Youtube Channels is a no brainer. We’ve done 80% of the effort for you by aggregating a list of dominant Youtube Crypto Influencers along with important stats/details. You just need to follow up on this with some action!

Here’s the list in descending order of number of subscribers. If we missed out on any good Influencer(s), please let us know in comment section. We’ll be happy to add those in our updated list:

NOTE: All the titles are hyperlinked

1. David Pakman Show

  • 492k subscribers
  • 342.5 million views
  • Email ID — david@davidpakman.com
  • Previous ICO reviews — Shivom, Jinbi, HyperQuant, Ceek

2. Jalan Pintas

  • 200k subscribers
  • 13.5 million views
  • Previous ICO reviews — Ubex, Zancoin, Modal

3. Gadget Diary

  • 217k subscribers
  • 63 million views
  • Email ID — akshay@gadgetdiary.com
  • Previous ICO reviews — Iagon, Ubex

4. Ivan on Tech

  • 183k subscribers
  • 9.9 million views
  • Previous ICO reviews — Latium, Ubix

5. Mike Vestil

  • 161k subscribers
  • 6.4 million views
  • Email ID — info@projectbestme.com
  • Previous ICO reviews — Kinekt, Xtrade, Fusion, Seele

6. Crypto Coin News

7. Ian Balina

  • 123k subscribers
  • 4.6 million views
  • Twitter handle — @diaryofamademan
  • Previous ICO reviews — Tolar, Emotiq, Edenchain, Lendingblock etc.

8. Open4Profit

  • 104k subscribers
  • 2 million views

9. Crypto Skach

  • 99.2k subscribers
  • Email ID — skachmarketing@gmail.com
  • Previous ICO reviews — Varanida, Bitallex, Ubex

10. Crypto Crow

  • 78.5k subscribers
  • 5.9 million views
  • Email ID — crypto@jasonappleton.com
  • Previous ICO reviews — ElonCity, Phantasma, Ubex

11. Crypto Master

  • 68k subscribers
  • Email ID — cryptomasterreviews@gmail.com
  • Previous ICO reviews — Vivalid.io, MyCreditChain, Payera

12. The Crypto Crew

  • 61.9k subscribers
  • Email ID — xeremo@gmail.com
  • Previous ICO reviews — Contract Vault, Dgex, Mediex, Kineticex

13. CryptosRUs

  • 45.9k subscribers
  • 3 million views
  • Email ID — george@cryptosrus.com
  • Previous ICO reviews — Ubex, Monarch, Ternio

14. Akshay Aggarwal

  • 45k subscribers
  • 7.2 million views
  • Website — akshayaggarwal.me
  • Previous ICO reviews — Ubex, Iagon

15. Crypto Wowka

  • 41k subscribers
  • Email ID — michal98pl@gmail.com
  • Previous ICO reviews — Varanida, Ubex, Ubcoin etc.

16. The ICO Reviewer

17. Crypto Chemist

  • 36.5k subscribers
  • Email ID — contactcryptochemist@gmail.com
  • Previous ICO reviews — Crest Token, Travelblock

18. Crypto Investing

  • 33k subscribers
  • 1 million views
  • Email ID — shtukers@gmail.com
  • Previous ICO reviews — Ubex, IOS Token, ABLE

19. Martins Hacks

  • 32k subscribers
  • 4 million views
  • Email ID — martinsh.business@gmail.com
  • Previous ICO reviews — Gamedex, Betlycoin, Modl, Humanscape etc.

20. Crypto Gurus

  • 32k subscribers
  • Email ID — contact@cryptogurus.com
  • Previous ICO reviews — Codex Protocol, Etherisc, Tenzorum

21. Crush Crypto

  • 30k subscribers
  • Previous ICO reviews — Aergo, Dxchain, Eximchain

22. CryptoDealers

  • 29k subscribers
  • 2.8 million views
  • Email ID — cdtvcommercial@gmail.com
  • Previous ICO reviews — Polyswarm, Banca, Skraps

23. Coin Bloq

  • 27k subscribers
  • Email ID — coinbloq@gmail.com
  • Previous ICO reviews — OceanEx, MultiVAC, 0xCert, Tolar etc.


  • 24k subscribers
  • 1.7 million views
  • Email ID — gennetic@gmail.com
  • Previous ICO reviews — LaneAxis, Sidera, Aworker etc.

25. Crypto Rick

  • 19k subscribers
  • Previous ICO reviews — Clarity Project, Match Diary, AveroPay etc.

26. Crypto Unboxing

  • 17k subscribers
  • Previous ICO reviews — Zeon, Elysian, Uhive

27. Oh Hey Matty

  • 15.5k subscribers
  • Previous ICO reviews — Tolar, Agora, GoChain etc.

28. Crypto Coin World

  • 13.8k subscribers
  • Email ID — eryilmaz.e@gmail.com
  • Previous ICO reviews — Blockshipping, Codex Protocol, Trivver

29. The Cryptoniac

  • 11.6k subscribers
  • 1.6 million views
  • Previous ICO reviews — Cosplay, QuickX, Slate

30. ICO ExpertTM

31. Shnider

  • Email ID — shnider.business@gmail.com
  • Previous ICO reviews — Medibit, Hyperquant, EZStake

32. ICO Hunter

  • This is a Russian channel — good to create awareness among Russian users.
  • 10k subscribers
  • Email ID — duncan_by@mail.ru
  • Previous ICO reviews — Mozo, Loyakk, Emmares

33. The Crypto Vaper

34. Best ‘ICO’

  • 7.7k subscribers
  • Previous ICO reviews — Gemstra, Metahash, Humanscape


  • 7k subscribers
  • Email ID — icosreviews@gmail.com
  • Previous ICO reviews — Essentia, Orvium, AION Network

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