10 Questions Jesus Asked

Spirituality and faith were never meant to be divorced from thinking

Greg Proffit


This is an examination of 10 of at least 307 questions Jesus asked in the Gospels.

So it is far from a comprehensive list of every question He asked, but the sample will show that Jesus was not afraid to stir the intellect and to probe the minds of his listeners.

His questions plumb the depths of the human intellect and provide a philosophical framework to support faith. Blind faith is only blind.

I hope these selected questions will stir you to seek answers. And I hope these questions will refresh both your spirit and your mind.

1. “What do you seek?”

“And Jesus turned and saw them following, and said to them, ‘What do you seek?’ They said to Him, Rabbi (which translated means Teacher), where are you staying?”(John 1:38, NASB).

Anyone reading a red-letter edition of the Bible will see the first red words in the Gospel of John as Jesus’ question to Andrew and another of John the Baptist’s disciples, “What do you seek?”

Is there any more pertinent question? Is this not the mainspring of a person’s life? You and I are seeking something. Some purpose or some desire motivates each of us. What is it?



Greg Proffit

Communication Studies & Sociology scholar on God, Language, Love, Literature, Living, Music, Politics, Psychology, etc. —325+ stories. greg@gregproffit.com