3 AM Talks With God — It Might Be the Best Time to Hear Him

Mykelti Blum
Published in
3 min readApr 15, 2020

I have always enjoyed having talks with the Lord at any point of the day. Sometimes, it’s not just a quick prayer in the morning and one before bed. My style is having a continued conversation with Him all day.

When you see your coworker having a bad day, a quick prayer for peace in whatever is going on in their heart.

When you wake up and are getting ready for the day, a quick prayer in acknowledging His new mercies every day.

When you are stuck in traffic and going to lose your mind from hunger and just want to get home, a quick prayer for patience.

When you’re getting ready for bed, a quick prayer for your family and friends.

All throughout the day, I love to have little convos with God.

Life is so busy

Even in my efforts to have a continued conversation all day, I will admit, I am not always the best at it, or the most consistent.

In the busyness of life, it’s easy to get distracted and feel like your mind never stops moving. There are a million things going on through my brain during the day — making a to-do list, planning what’s for dinner, wondering if I got the laundry or is it still in the dryer from yesterday morning?

It’s difficult to take a few minutes of peace and quiet when it’s overwhelming, and all of a sudden your 13 hours in the day is gone in what feels like 2. In the craziness, it can be hard to be still and listen.

I always wake up at 3 am

For some reason, if I wake up in the middle of the night, it is always at 3 am. It’s pretty remarkable that it can be that consistent. I don’t know if it’s my dogs kicking me while they sleep, the noise of my husband (or dog — it’s still undecided) snoring, but I wake up and am wide awake.

I am discovering that in my middle-of-the-night wake-up calls, it’s the perfect time to hear from God. Why? Because everything is still.

“Be still and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10, ESV)

God calls us to be still and to know Him. To listen to what He has to say to you. I am learning that at 3 am, when everything is quiet and calm, it’s the easiest time to hear God. To calm and quiet my mind, listening instead of asking.

3 am is now my favorite time with God. I feel that I fully get to focus on Him and be rested in His presence instead of worrying about everything else going on.

So now, my encouragement to you. Instead of getting frustrated with how you’re wide awake in the middle of the night, take a second to listen.

Maybe you’re supposed to be praying for someone. Numerous times I’ve woken up and felt that I needed to pray for someone. Or, you can just have some 1:1 time with the Lord. Listening, feeling, and finding rest and comfort in the stillness.

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Mykelti Blum

Blogger, podcaster, speaker at Heartofthebrave.com. Licensed Social Worker, Adoption Educator. Helping people to be brave, encouraged and live in their purpose.