3 New Ways to Pray: Tap Into Your Inner Healer, the Strategist, Top General

Spiritual SWOT analysis? You prayed and got little back? Next time try these three new methods of prayer

Joseph Serwach


Prayer at the Battlefield by Kazimierz Stabrowski via Wikimedia Commons.

Need stronger prayers? Tap into your inner healer to uncover hidden wounds, your inner strategist to understand your adversary’s plans, and your internal general to figure out how to fight back.

It’s easy to read or recite prayers — but do we ask the right questions, tune out the distractions, listening to get a response? We conduct a SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats). So why not run a spiritual SWOT Analysis?

Start by focusing on at least three people, a healer, a strategist, and a general. For example, in its latest You Were Born For This podcast, Acts XXIX reviewed these prayer methods, asking the right questions to help you discover the most meaningful answers. Then, depending on your prayer goals, you can use one of these roles at a time or combine the three:

1. The Healer: Help me find the wounds.

As you pray, tap into your “inner healer,” calling in the Divine Physician. Imagine you’re a doctor. How would a medical team examine and diagnose a patient? Lots of questions, tests, and…



Joseph Serwach

Story + Identity = Mission. Leadership Culture, Journalism, Branding Education. Inspiration: Catholic, Polish. https://serwachjoe.medium.com/membership