99Designs: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

My experience using 99Designs to create my book cover

J.L. Pattison


Courtesy of Lina Kivaka via Pexels

It’s true what they say, people do judge a book by its cover, that’s why it’s essential to have your cover created by someone who knows what they’re doing. For most authors, that’s not you.

Let’s be brutally honest. Unless you’re a cover designer, you shouldn’t try to design your own cover, no more than a designer should try to write his own book. Unless, of course, you’re one of those prodigies who’s an author and a designer.

So, I’ve decided to share my experience (the good, the bad, and the ugly) in the hopes it will help others who are about to embark on this journey.

Let’s start from the beginning.


Of my first three book covers, I used of a friend to create one of them, and employed designers from Fiverr for the other two.

These were the results:

Images by author

Not satisfied with the results of my past covers (and with a new book on its way in 2020) I decided to go a different route.



J.L. Pattison

Called "A 21st Century Rod Serling," JL Pattison is the author of 4 books of contemporary speculative fiction for modern-day thought criminals. JLPattison.com