A Prophetic Word: God Unleashing His Power in Our Lives

What a word or phrase can do to change everything…



Over the last couple of years, I have been experiencing a part of my faith which can only be described as supernatural. Through a series of events, I have been experiencing moments of the prophetic which seem to have been unlocked in my life.

A few years ago, a mentor and pastor shared with me prophetic words about my life. It was a blessing, but it was right on for what the future would hold. His words came two-fold: 1) to bless my life at the moment. And 2) to call out something in my life for the future.

While there were many things he described for my life and my future, he shared that I would use my natural skills and anointing to be a teacher in a way different than I thought. And he is helping me to build into my passion for writing.

Now, nearly three years later, here I am. Sharing the knowledge and wisdom I have gained in my life through writing on Medium, my blog, and my book which is coming out June 4th.

And this is good.

Yet, how did I get to this point of experiencing the prophetic in my life through others and to others?




Author of 13 books on Amazon with more on the way. I want to help you write your book: jrheimbigner.substack.com