A Tale of God’s Provision

How a seemingly ‘random’ thought led on to just what was needed

Published in
5 min readApr 26, 2024


Author photo. Lewis Pass, South Island, New Zealand

Our weekly expenses are usually greater than our weekly income.

That’s not a good place to be, but it’s a place that increasing numbers of people are finding themselves these days. Times are tough for many, and I don’t know if they will change much in the near future.

We’re here by choice

For my wife and me, though, it’s often been our choice to live this way. I’ve had opportunities for jobs that paid extremely well, but when I would pray about these, it seemed that God led me to another job that was not as good and did not pay as much. Sometimes considerably less.

There have also been many years where we worked only part-time (for an income) so we could devote more time to ministry/community-type work. About four years ago, we felt that God said to give up our regular wage and work voluntarily and trust Him to provide. And God has provided faithfully.

Lately, though, we have gone back to receiving an income, albeit less than our basic outgoings.

I have learned that it’s not a good idea for me to think too far ahead and try to work out what I can’t see. It opens a door to fear and worry. But at such times, I’ve also discovered…




I live on the beautiful coastline in Northland, New Zealand. I have published two books and also write a blog — https://www.facebook.com/breadonthewaters/