A Thankful Heart Is a Sign of Maturity

Rising above the flock like an eagle

Trip Kimball
Published in
3 min readNov 23, 2021


Photo by Ann on Unsplash

Rising above the flock

It’s interesting to me how one truth will get emphasized over another. One truth gets overshadowed by another.

The western mind focuses on specifics and loses sight of the larger scope of a topic. One part becomes more important than its whole. Or, as the saying goes, we can’t see the forest for the trees.

This seems to be a constant within western culture. One thing or one person is pitted against others as if they were unrelated to a greater whole. We describe this inclination as polarization in our American culture.

But this inclination isn’t a new cultural phenomenon. It’s endemic to all human nature.

We’re creatures of habit who’ve inherited this trait from previous generations and perpetuated it century after century across cultures.

As another saying goes —

It’s hard to soar with eagles when you’re surrounded by turkeys.

Photo by Mikkel Bergmann on Unsplash

How can we rise above the general rabble of those trapped by restrictive thoughts and



Trip Kimball

I’m a seasoned pastor, missionary, and writer committed to making what is abstract and conceptual, simple and clear. I also write at– www.tripkimball.com