Accept or Reject? What to Do With the Man From Galilee?

How are we going to handle the Righteous One?

Janco Vorster-My Afib Heart


If He had no impact on history, it would have been easy. We could have been excused, not thinking about Him. But why is there so much animosity against Him?

Why is His name used as a cuss word? Why do people even think to use His name when trying to make a statement?

If He was nothing, why the hating? If He were inconsequential, why is our calendar based on His birth year? AD = Anno Domini. This means “In the year of our Lord.” We have to deal with Him, the King of kings Jesus Christ.

Time is set to His birth year

AD does not stand for “after death” as many people suppose. It stands for Anno Domini. It can be translated to “In the year of our Lord.” And BC stands for “Before Christ.” These terms are used in the Gregorian calendar.

That must mean something. How can time be measured according to someone who did not really mean anything? How important was and is Jesus in the history of earth? Well, if we measure time according to His year of birth, it surely must indicate the importance of Him.

“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.” (Revelation 22:13, NKJV).



Janco Vorster-My Afib Heart
Koinonia Blogger, Tetralogy of Fallot(TOF), AFIB(Atrial fibrillation) and panic! survivor. Weight & Body tracker notebook