
Advent Week Four— Love

This is Advent Week Four. The focus is on LOVE

Janis Cox
Published in
2 min readDec 21, 2020


Watercolour by Janis Cox

Love came down in the form of a BABE. God gave His only Son to us. The Incarnation. Love at its highest.

Love at its highest.

By reading through God’s Word, we can know more and more about this love. And we also learn how we need to show the same love to others.

After reading today’s scriptures, I wrote this poem. Love is this week’s Advent Week Four.

This is an abecedarian poem. I use the first letter of the alphabet to help me work through my thoughts.

Today’s scriptures:

Luke 1:46b-55;
1 Samuel 1:1–18;
Hebrews 9:1–14

Journey of Faith

Anyone can
Believe. It only takes a
Choice to say ‘yes’.

Don’t wait though.
Eternity is your goal.

Faith isn’t easy.
God is patient but
He wants true conviction.

Instead of rules and regulations,
Jesus came to give us the
Knowledge of God, about true
Love and to bring
Meaning to our lives.



Janis Cox

Creativity Spiritual Catalyst. Author/Illustrator. Jesus follower. Growing Through God's Word FB group for reading the Bible. janiscox.com