Allow Yourself to Be an Amateur Again

Mykelti Blum
Published in
2 min readNov 3, 2020
Photo by Ben Hershey on Unsplash

I am feeling this hard today. As I am in a season of trying new things that I hope to excel at one day, I need to be reminded that I am not always going to get it right the first time. Even though that can feel frustrating beyond belief.

“Why can’t I write like that person can?”

“I can’t believe I did that! I looked like such an idiot. I should probably give up and never try that again.”

Growing pains are a real thing. We are not going to know the answers to all. We are probably not going to get it right the first time. Give yourself some grace today and understand that we are ALWAYS in a season of growth. At all times. You are allowed to say, “I messed up because I am still learning.” You are allowed to ask for help and not feel embarrassed to admit that you need some guidance.

A danger to growth is comparison. It’s easy to compare yourself to others and think, “Well, I am not as good as them. I’ll never be able to get to where they’re at because I don’t have the skills.”

We are all here to bring something to the table. Our unique skills were given to us and we have to take moments to explore and grow in them. Babies don’t come out knowing everything about themselves and do it flawlessly the first time. I have videos of me falling down all the time as a child trying to learn to walk, a trait I clearly am still working at considering the number of times I trip during the winter. But it took time for me to learn the steps, learn how to use the skills I had, to be able to achieve the goal.

Our moments of learning, small or big, are some of the most prominent seasons in our lives. Because it’s a time when we are truly identifying the value in ourselves and saying, “I am enough to keep growing and working on myself.”

You are on your own path of growth — so give yourself the time and space to be an amateur again. Don’t put the expectation on yourself to always achieve and do it right the first time. Growing is needed and beautiful.

Koinonia Publication
Encouraging, empowering, and entertaining. In Christ.



Mykelti Blum

Blogger, podcaster, speaker at Licensed Social Worker, Adoption Educator. Helping people to be brave, encouraged and live in their purpose.