Are You Part of God’s Jigsaw Puzzle

Waiting on the Lord and His creative time

Danny Darden
3 min readAug 18, 2023


Recently, a friend asked what advice I could give in seeking God’s will for her life.

I advised that she should seek God by studying the message He left for us, through His word so that she could prepare her heart for His calling.

I explained that often we can be our largest stumbling block. Upon speaking this, I immediately visualized sitting with my grandmother as a child, working a jigsaw puzzle. Thus begins our analogy.

God’s Plan: Picture a puzzle

I envision God’s Plan for Creation as a massive jigsaw puzzle. Every part of creation that has ever existed or will ever exist is represented in the pieces of the puzzle.

I think back to helping my grandmother with jigsaw puzzles as a child and remember always being very excited to find the place for the piece I had in my hand.

I was holding it tightly, keeping it to myself, searching for its place. Grandma slowly arranged all the pieces, proceeding methodically, quietly and quickly while seeing the puzzle as a whole.

As a child, I am focused on the five or so pieces I can fit in my hand. I search and search for the special place for that piece to fit in, in my child-like selfish way.

It isn’t until I lay that piece down that Grandma can actually put it in the puzzle. She’s not going to force it from me, there are plenty of other pieces to work on.

He’s helping us with our pieces: What about the edge?

God does the same thing with us. He wants to help us fit our pieces to complete our parts of the puzzle, but he isn’t going to force us to put our pieces down.

We have to surrender them voluntarily. Only then can he fit them in their place.

But what happens once that prize edge piece is set? Excitedly like a child, we see our piece go down in place and are ready, so ready, for the rest of the pieces to fall in quickly.

If you’ve ever done a puzzle you know that the inside is the longest process. That’s the part where we wait on the Lord. We have to wait on God to complete the inside.

Only in His time is the puzzle of our lives complete, and that part is dependent upon many other people. God is putting their puzzles together as well.

If we listen, He may even guide our hand to the right spots and let us help. Helping with the puzzle requires patience and submitting to His will.

My friend then asked, “What if those pieces we are holding onto are so broken, that you can’t see where they go anymore?”

Good question. My answer? “Who are we to say? We can’t even see the picture on the box, so how do you know the piece is really mangled?”

Now this is the really cool part: The puzzle isn’t 2D, flat like a regular puzzle. It’s 5D.

A 5D puzzle? If the puzzle is all of creation (3D), it includes time (4D), and it includes God (5D+).

God exists outside of time, so we have a 5D jigsaw puzzle. There is no way a human being could begin to see or even interpret the picture on the box of a 5D puzzle.

This is our dilemma and why we must give up our pieces and let God place them where they belong.

Even though we can’t see the picture on the puzzle box, what we do have is a nice little pamphlet that was included. It’s the Word of God. One of the most recurring themes in the Bible is that we should, in every instance, place our trust in Him.

Only He can see how the puzzle pieces of Creation fit together to achieve Redemption for man and achieve His Glory. Trust the hands of Our Father to build the jigsaw puzzle of your life.



Danny Darden

Network engineer | Information technology professor | Security analyst | Texas Aggie | Deep thinker | Writer | Lover of the Word | Christ follower. Darden.Fyi