As the End Approaches, the Devil Works Harder

Does your light still shine brightly?

Febrina Arin
3 min readJan 31, 2024


Illustration by Author

Do you ever feel like the world has become a bit scary lately? You’re not alone. Disasters, wars, and other unfortunate events sometimes make me hesitant to keep up with the news. There are nights when I find it hard to sleep, wondering if I’m ready to face the future, especially knowing life might get more challenging, especially for us Christians.

But all those worries disappeared after I heard my pastor’s sermon last Sunday. It was indeed one of the most powerful sermons I’ve ever experienced, touching my heart deeply. Now, I want to share it with you.

If you find yourself dealing with worries about the future, I hope this article can help you trade those fears for a strong commitment to keeping the faith in Jesus Christ.

The challenges will grow even greater

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:12, NIV)

I’ve noticed something lately—the line between good and wrong has become very blurry. Things that used to be seen as sinful are now considered normal by many. Sometimes, not going along with the latest trends can lead to criticism. I get it because I’ve been called ‘outdated’ just for living on my terms.

As we get closer to the Second Coming of the Lord, evil becomes more intense because the devil is stepping up his efforts. That’s why life’s difficulties will become more pressing; we must know this reality.

But why is this happening?

Well, the reason is that those days will mark Satan’s final defeat by God. He will do everything and anything to stop God’s work in the world. But don’t worry. Jesus has already nailed down the victory.

According to my pastor, reflecting on the experiences of Jesus’ disciples is important. They bravely faced dreadful challenges in their mission to share the gospel and truth. Yet, in those moments, the name of the Lord was glorified! So, are you ready to carry your own cross?

Preparing for Jesus’ arrival

“Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.”

(Matthew 25:13, NIV)

Remember the story about the five wise and five foolish virgins? The wise ones were smart enough to have extra oil, but the foolish ones were satisfied with what they had. This left their lamps dim, and they ran out of oil.

Let’s take a moment to reflect on ourselves. Is our life still shining brightly? It’s important to recognize that life’s challenges can repeatedly impact our inner light, sometimes causing it to dim. Without drawing strength from God, that light might eventually fade away.

So, I encourage you to hold onto Jesus’ teaching. Make your faith as strong as tree roots, so that when tough times—winds, storms, or even heavy rain—come your way, you’ll stand firm.

God bless you.

Hey, you are amazing!

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Febrina Arin

Hi, I'm Arin! I love sharing about life, faith, and Christian insights, hoping to draw you more closer to God. My portfolio🔻