Be Brave, God Says, I’ll Help

His presence and faithfulness enable us to obey

Gordon McFarland
Published in
5 min readJul 19, 2022


Photo by Michael Spain on Unsplash

A friend who used to attend our church is now a missionary with the Jesus Film Project. Mike uses his film-related college degree to contribute to the team that brings the life of Jesus, based on the book of Luke, to declare who Jesus is in all the countries they can.

This sometimes involves going into areas where that message is not welcome and may be actively rejected. But my friend has the courage, fueled by his strong faith in Christ, to go without hesitation wherever God sends him.

I can think of many examples of believers who have demonstrated courage in the face of opposition. Boomers like myself may recall the book and film, The Cross and The Switchblade. It tells the story of David Wilkerson, a country preacher who brought the gospel to one of the gangs in New York City.

In spite of threats to his life by a gang leader, he didn’t back down. But, instead of reacting with threats of his own, he kept reiterating the message of his and Jesus' love for the gang. Wilkerson’s faithfulness to his calling was used by God to convict and convert Nicky Cruz, the gang leader, and some of its members.

