Bending God’s Ear

The power behind the prayer

Lynne Collier
Published in
2 min readJun 10, 2022


Lights ascending from the earth upwards through the clouds representing our prayers to God
“Bound in Heaven” photo by Ray Majoran in Compassion Gallery used by permission. All profits go to charity.

Bending God’s Ear

Stretching from my sleepy cocoon, grateful for a new day,
I’m mindful of every breath and heartbeat encircling this blue orb,
lifting high a chorus of every language, of every nation,
rising through the impalpable veil of time and place,
outside of science and confusing logic.

It’s always morning somewhere
and there’s always someone somewhere,
the sound never ceases,
carried above as above rotates
and emanates from every mote,
permeating the space between.

You hear the voices of your children
ascending to your throne as one thrum,
like an endless sweet adoration.
You turn your ear to us as we reverently raise our hearts
continuous, unceasing, with words
our Lord and Saviour taught us to say:

“Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be your name.”



Lynne Collier

Writer of stories and poetry. Christ follower. Yorkshire lass living in Ontario. Author of 16 books. Loves gardening.