Bizarre Behavior

Sometimes a cover for bad behavior

Katharine Trauger


Young man, buzz haircut, tongue sticking out. Green filter over photo
Photo by Timothy Dykes on Unsplash

There are many occasions when what might seem bizarre behavior is actually within the realm of “okay”.

The clown

Consider the person who is always zany, doing the unexpected, to entertain or draw attention. Although they may be irritating, these folks usually merely are lighthearted, fun, or may even need emotional guidance. It’s the way they always act and no need for immediate alarm.

It’s not bizarre for them to act the way they always act, right?

The odd one

We also sometimes meet folks who were raised to be unusual. Take the case of a woman who totally worried everyone by running around in the house, every time the phone rang. She’d learned this from her mom, who also always overreacted in a panicky way at the phone ringing. Maybe she needed to unlearn this reaction, but it is not necessarily bizarre for people to act according to their upbringing.

We see it often: grown kids doing things we find very odd, unless we realize it’s a result of the parents’ training. We could probably see some of these things in ourselves that would seem so weird seen through other eyes. Chewing gum, for example, would clearly seem odd to some others, since we never do swallow it and eventually it has no…



Katharine Trauger

Jesus lover. Professional Mom. Writer, Speaker, Counselor. Contest winner. Woods dweller. Scratch cook. Studying how to shut down A.I.