Bloom Where You Are Planted

Bringing a smile to God’s face

J.M. Troppello


A sunflower and petals
Photo by Yair Mejía on Unsplash

“Bloom where you are planted” is a well-known quote said by the Bishop of Geneva, Saint Francis de Sales (1567–1622). This quote was later made more popular by artist and illustrator Mary Engelbreit.

This quote came to mind today as I worked from my home office, trying to get a zillion things done — and feeling a little overwhelmed, like I accomplished nothing.

I was preparing for a Zoom status meeting for one of my clients that I do marketing work for. As I listed the weekly stats and updated where we’re at right now with our various projects, I remembered hearing this quote during a political speech several years ago, and I stopped to think.

I’m not even sure why I recalled this quote at this specific time, but the meaning of it truly resonated with me in that moment.

One step at a time

I realized that I can only do what I can do as long as I am also doing everything to the best of my ability. Sure, I always want to do my best work when I write articles, work on my books, format my magazine content, and complete work for clients.

However, there are some days, like today, when I feel inadequate.

