Bring Our Rude Kids Fishing

That’s how they know we love them

Xavier Woon


Father & Son Arguing @ Discord

Being rude is an everyday affair

A couple was ranting about how their son was rude to them. In their words, their son was “rude,” “smart-alecky,” and “snapping back every time.” When confronted for his bad behavior, he retorted. Conversations usually ended in shouting matches.

Like many parents with teens, this is the bumpy part of our journey. How we wish someone invents a magic pill for teens. All they need is to swallow it and they turn into teens from the Brady Bunch.

Most parents have to go through this phase of teenage tantrums. We know that. Yet, when it does happen, we cannot accept them for turning out the way they do. Shouldn’t they honor us as the Bible told them to?

Have we Googled for parenting tips? Sure, we have. But it is one thing to read an article and another thing to face kids whose tongues are quicker than ours. What should we do?

Rudeness is a learned behavior

He was never like this.

This is a comment I hear from parents often. We pine for the times when they were joyful and polite. So, what happened?

