Bunnies, Baskets, Eggs, and Jesus?

Reframing Easter

Mukkove Johnson
2 min readApr 8, 2019


As a child I wondered what decorated eggs, chicks and bunnies had to do with Jesus dying and coming back to life. Did you?

I know there are many camps of opinion about Easter, or Ressurection Sunday, and the surrounding traditions. I’m not really interested in debating them. I’m always eager to learn and hear other perspectives but have little time and energy for debate.

My wonderings as a child are likely what fueled the writing of my first two books. I wrote each of them taking the things we see around Christmas and Easter and choosing to find a way to see Jesus, regardless of intentions or traditions.

I think that’s how God does things.

He redeems and uses for His purposes what the enemy meant for evil. There are some things that are entirely evil and the only good from them is to contrast with the supreme goodness of God. Many other things are more easily redeemed and used for His glory.

I cannot keep my children from seeing baskets overflowing with junk- I mean goodies, or bunnies or eggs.

I can, and have, taught them that when they see those things they can think of Jesus.

Abundant life can be seen in an overflowing basket of gifts.

A bunny bringing gifts speaks of the generous heart of the Father who gives every good gift including Jesus. The eggs remind me I am Jesus treasure. He gave up everything to come and find me when I was hidden in sin.

If you are interested in my books signed copies are available from me at KovesCove.com and on Amazon. They are also available directly from Amazon and many other online bookstores but they won’t be signed.

Blessings to you! Jesus is Alive!

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Mukkove Johnson

Discipling Mothers to Disciple Nations - Author and creator of Heart Doodling with Jesus. Mother of 3 married young adults and a 7 yo. https://linktr.ee/mukkove