Christianity 2033: Shouldn’t We Be Planning for the 2,000th Anniversary of the Resurrection Right Now?

We are 11 years away from the start of the third millennium since the Resurrection of Jesus Christ — and the birth of the church

Joseph Serwach


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.

Where will Christianity be in 11 years? April 2033 marks the 2,000th anniversary of Jesus Christ’s resurrection, yet few seem to know.

I’ll admit it: I, too, hadn’t even realized that milestone was approaching until I heard Alpha founder Nicky Gumbel mention it in a webinar. And yet, I remember well all the planning for “the third millennium of Christianity,” reached 22 years ago in 2000.

If your family has a newborn, that baby will be 10 when Easter 2033 arrives. That seems like the sort of mega-event people discuss years in advance. We see T-shirts about 33 AD, but no thoughts of 2033 AD.

What’s the plan?

People spoke about “the third millennium of Christianity” years in advance. But the fascination with the future went beyond people of faith.

Even in the secular world, people were fascinated with “the Year 2000,” and every organization seemed to have a long-term plan called Vision 2000 (or something similar). I remember…



Joseph Serwach

Story + Identity = Mission. Leadership Culture, Journalism, Branding Education. Inspiration: Catholic, Polish.