Creativity: The Gift Christians Often Neglect

While the birth of Jesus is God’s most precious gift to us, it’s not the only gift we’ve been given

N. J. Lindquist


Photos from Deposit Photos. Gift by Timmary. Background by losw. Meme by N. J. Lindquist.

At the heart of Christmas is the celebration of our Creator’s most precious gift to us — Jesus — who was born as a normal baby. But God has given us many other gifts, including one we often neglect.

Maybe more than neglect. It sometimes seems as if we re-wrap it and hide it in the back of a dark closet. Or never open it at all because we’re afraid to see what’s inside.

God is, above all else, Creator

Everything that exists — from a drab piece of dust to the most glorious rose — came straight from God’s imagination. When Adam and Eve were made, they were both formed in the Creator’s image, capable of both imagining and creating new things. To underline this reality, God gave Adam the honor of naming the animals that had just been brought into being.

Yet, when I talk to many Christians, I don’t see excited, active creators, bubbling with ideas and plans. Instead, I see questioners who appear to doubt their own abilities, and who seem to be waiting for leaders to tell them what to do. It’s as if they don’t understand that God has given them permission to dream. And that change is not…



N. J. Lindquist

Writer. Author. Dreamer. I tend to see the big picture and the steps along the way. Plus I try to encourage others to become everything God created them to be.