Divine Dream: A Surprising Twist on the New Covenant!

Embracing love as law: Part 1 of 3 on 1 Timothy 1:8

Christopher ☧
5 min readJun 2, 2023


Image created by author using Midjourney (Source: Midjourney.com)


Every spiritual journey is an adventure into the unknown. Mine took a surprising turn when my prayers for guidance were answered through vivid dreams, introducing me to a different reception of God’s wisdom.

I found myself contemplating the intriguing overlap between Jesus and the New Covenant, sparking a thoughtful exploration on how the concept of the New Covenant intertwined with the understanding that Jesus is the law.

But as one mystery unraveled, others beckoned — a call to dive deeper into His divine revelations.

A Personal Prayer for Guidance

Scripture Vibe: Jeremiah 33.3

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’ (Jeremiah 33:3, NIV)

My prayers to the Lord have always been simple: to be of use to Him in any capacity He deems fit, and Lord willing, to gain His guidance. As a mere man journeying through life, I am susceptible to the same pitfalls as the rest of us: temptation, ego, and sin, making a relationship with Him all the more critical. But, let me share a profound experience I’ve had in my earnest search for His signs and wisdom.

Recently, my prayers for guidance have taken an interesting turn as I’ve begun to yearn for a deeper understanding through His signs, be they visions or dreams. The mysteries the Lord chooses to reveal to me are like rays of His glory, aimed to illuminate my path and, in turn, my hope, inspire others towards Him.

This yearning has led me to three remarkable revelations in my dreams, two of which involved specific verses from the Bible. But let’s talk now about one particularly intriguing episode involving a verse I had not encountered before: 1 Timothy 1:8.

But we know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully; (1 Timothy 1:8, KJV)

Image created by author using Midjourney (Source: Midjourney.com)

A Divine Revelation: Encountering 1 Timothy 1:8

Scripture Vibe: Luke 24.45

Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures. (Luke 24:45, NIV)

As mentioned in previous articles, my journey to Christ began only a short time ago, and I am working my way through the Bible for the first time. The verse I was given in this dream is from a book of the Bible I wasn’t aware of. I didn’t know there was a 1st Timothy or even a 2nd Timothy: I actually thought it was just Timothy!

When I awoke and scribbled down the chapter and verse I saw in my dream, I was excited to find out what mystery the Lord wished to unravel for me. As my eyes scanned the words of 1 Timothy 1:8 for the first time, I heard a phrase within my mind — Jesus is the law.

But we know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully; (1 Timothy 1:8, KJV)

You see when I write His inspired word, it starts with a seed phrase or an idea that is sent to me, and as I mentioned in The Wilderness Report Episode 1, I go into almost a trance for 25 minutes as I construct a message around what was sent.

The trance this time, however, wasn’t in front of the computer but nestled within a dream. And the Lord wanted me to meditate on this verse, research it, and pray for its mysteries to be revealed on this concept that Jesus is the law, the idea of a New Covenant that supersedes all the Biblical wisdom we are taught.

Contemplating the concept of the New Covenant

Scripture Vibe: John 1.17

For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. (John 1.17, NIV)

Let’s dwell upon this concept of a New Covenant a little further, for I am sure this thought stirs a whirlwind of questions, critiques, rebukes and contemplations. For if there is a New Covenant, then there must be an Old Covenant, right?

The way I understand the Old Covenant, God’s generous agreement with us before Jesus, had laws and commandments that were to be followed in order to be considered righteous and have a relationship with God. Among them, the Ten Commandments are some of the most well-known examples of the Old Covenant and are still taught to this day.

However, with time, the laws of the Old Covenant multiplied. The conditions to maintain righteousness escalated to the point of impossibility. We were losing the opportunity to adhere to the Old Covenant, and thus the ability to be righteous and commune with God, self-imposed. But what had happened to cause a multiplication of these laws?

The problem wasn’t just the increase in the number of laws, but that these laws were not solely issued by God — they were made by men. Through our own flawed logic and hubris, we distanced ourselves from God.

We became our own judges, with our own rules, on how we must build a relationship with Him.

Image created by author using Midjourney (Source: Midjourney.com)

Coming up in Part 2:

We delve into the profound understanding of the New Covenant, as established through Jesus Christ.

We will question what becomes of the law under this covenant and examine the potential pitfalls we may encounter if we lose sight of its true meaning!

Part 2 here!


In this article, I recount how my prayers for divine guidance were answered through dreams, unveiling Scripture (1 Timothy 1:8) and a profound understanding of Jesus as the law. These dreams allowed me to unravel the contrasts between the convoluted Old Covenant and the simplified New Covenant, represented by Jesus, bringing us back into God’s embrace.

Key Lessons and Ideas:

  1. Remain open to divine guidance; it may come in unanticipated forms, like dreams.
  2. Scripture study can illuminate your path, acting as a beacon of God’s wisdom.
  3. Contemplate Jesus as the law, representing the simplicity of the New Covenant.
  4. Recognize the human-influenced complexity of the Old Covenant as a hindrance to our relationship with God.
  5. Appreciate the New Covenant as an invitation to a direct and simpler communion with the Lord.

For behind-the-scenes info on the research, artwork, and additional context for articles like this one, check out the Seekers Quill Podcast, published as a monthly wrap-up.



Christopher ☧

✝️ Writer & unlicensed theologian 🙏 The Lord's favor is not earned 📖 Romans 6:14 👉Following helps ☧