Does the First Message of Pentecost Still Inspire You?

I try to spread it by my lifestyle

Verbieann Hardy


Although the religious leaders at the time did not know it, the Lamb of that Passover was no other than the Lamb of God. He appeared to his followers after his crucifixion but they were not concerned about their sins. They wanted to know when he would show his power and restore Israel (Acts 1:6, NIV). Maybe they thought of the jobs they would have as they help him rule.

Jesus gently gave them an alternative.

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. (Acts1:8, NIV)

The promise kept

When Jesus ascended into heaven, their hopes of earthly power were dashed. They did not know that they would have more power than the princes of the world. They had no idea that people like me, in a land unknown at that time, would also share in their experience. They had cast out demons and healed people during their first mission but Jesus was not with them. They could not envisage how they could be witnesses to people to the ends of the earth.

Fifty days after Passover, as the disciples and friends continued to wait in prayer, the Holy Spirit came.



Verbieann Hardy

Striving to follow Jesus. I write about life, faith, and relationships as I age with grateful grit. Please support my work through stories.